Monday, March 13, 2017

Been a little while.....

Yesssss, it's been a little while since I've written.  I've been busy with school, ministry, and being a single Mama....

I am training for at 12K that is coming up on April 2nd called Run Rocklin. The start and finish line is literally right down the street from my house! How convienent is that????  So, I'm going out tomorrow to get 5 miles in and get geared up to do my 7-8 miles in a couple of weeks.

What I've also been changing is my nutrition. We will see how it works in about a month - it just might be the key to unlock this yo-yo lifestyle and lose this weight to be healthy!

I miss getting out and running/walking and girl time with my Mae. I'm so impressed with her and she keeps me grounded and GOING! Knowing that she is waiting for me, keeps me accountable to get out, and an awesome friend.  EVERYONE needs a Mae in their lives! :)