Wednesday, December 26, 2018

Catching Up...

YES! It has been some time since I last posted! Funny how life tends to get in the way and sometimes things get re-prioritized.

As I close this year out, I look at the progress, lessons, and successes that have gone on this past year. I have lost 47 pounds, 30 inches, seeing my health change in the right direction, and learning how emotionally strong I am. See, this summer my family found out that my younger brother was diagnosed with large B cell lymphnoma. It had spread very quickly and was very aggressive. Through 6 round of chemo (5 days at 24/day, every 3 weeks), we are now going through the bone marrow transplant process - emotionally draining and praying heavily for a clean bill of health - SOON! 

With that, my father is progressing in the stages of Alzheimer's and seeing him struggle with confusion, forgetfulness, and feelings of despair breaks my heart.

As life throws curve balls your way, and it will, we all must remain focused on our goals. Mine is to get myself in the best physical health possible. I'm changing things up with the diet - I'm still doing Weight Watchers, but doing ALL PLANT BASED eating. So, pretty much going vegan. From the documentaries that I've been watching, testimonials, and data, I can't help but wonder if my health, sleep, energy improve going this route. I will be posting WEEKLY of recipes that I have tried and found great (I have an 8 year old boy to help be my taste tester), easy, and inexpensive to make. I will also post my progress with photos, measurements, and stats on energy and sleep changes.

ALSO,  I will be competing in my VERY FIRST MARATHON Dec. 8, 2019!!! That's right, CIM (California International Marathon) in Sacramento... I'm coming for YOU!!!

I would love to hear from you and if there is ANYTHING that I can do or post to help you in your journey, PLEASE TELL ME! I would love to go alongside you in your journey to better health!

Thursday, August 9, 2018

Efforts paying off....

It just astonishes me to see efforts are FINALLY starting to pay off!!! It seems like it has taken FOREVER to see what -43 pounds and 30 inches looks like OFF my body...

No one said that it would be easy, but slowly and surely it does work. Of course I'm like everyone else that would love to see the results much FASTER and have the pounds come melting off my body! But, I do know that is not the safest or the healthiest way to go about it. But it sure does help when stepping on the scale to see the numbers drop to give that encouragement that we need to keep going and to keep pushing forward...

I am starting to feel better... did bloodwork again with my endocrinologist and ….. NO ADRENAL FATIGUE!!! WHOOT WHOOT!!!! YES!!! Efforts are paying off and seeing my health come back! This is the year of taking my life back, for the rest of my life! :)

What are some of the victories that you have seen that may have taken you awhile to get to?  Share with me...

Tuesday, July 10, 2018

Update....since it's been awhile

Hello my people!

Yes, it has been a little over a month since I last wrote. LIFE has been a little busy!

My son has had numerous sports camps to attend, I'm working out at a Fit Body Bootcamp gym along with a personal trainer, and just found out last month my younger brother has lymphnoma. He was diagnosed the day after my family went to visit for a week. My parents will be going back in a week to help take care of his kids while he goes through chemo.

My health journey is getting back on track. With Weight Watchers, I've lost 15 pounds since Feb. 12th, but overall,  I've lost 37.2 and 28 inches. It's coming, but of course, I don't feel it's coming off fast enough. I do have to remind myself that I have to have patience and to trust the process.... I was just hoping that the process would have dropped a good amount of weight by now. UGH! The frustration of it all.  But I know that it will come and to keep going.

I have also decided to become a pescatarian. It's a vegetarian, but not getting rid of fish/seafood. I CANNOT give up my seafood - NOPE! Not gonna do it! LOL

I'll let y'all know how that goes in my next post...

Leave a comment to let me know you are reading and what you feel/think of the content...

Thursday, May 24, 2018


Well, since my last post, I have hired a personal trainer. It has been great, as she is helping me work on TOTAL body muscle groups and building strength in my core, arms, and legs. I have also noticed that I have better balance, since starting in mid-May.

I'm getting a better handle on my nutrition, as I was VERY off last week. This week is much better and I hope to see a loss at the scale on Tues.

I'm seeing that my clothes are fitting a little better, a little bit saggy skin (I know, I have a lot left to go and lose), but that will come.

What we do today will affect how we feel and be tomorrow.  What I'm doing today will carry me into my future... more healthy, clear thinking, more energy, more confidence, and most of all... LIFE with my son.

Take notice of how you are doing - take measurements, notice how your clothes fit, how people respond to you as you get healthy, take notice of how you start feeling about yourself, and how you see yourself.

Progress...Not perfection.

Friday, May 11, 2018


So here is the update on my weight loss/health journey...

I have lost 5% of my body mass since Feb! I have lost a total of 28 inches since Jan. 1, 2018! I have lost 37 lbs since Jan. 1, 2018!

What has been the "secret" or change THIS time? The way that I am viewing food, my relationship with it, portion control, and the type of food that I'm eating. I'm not so "hard core" about a program - ie Eating Clean, Paleo, Keto, etc... I'm doing Weight Watchers and keeping accountable to my points, portioning out my food or weighing it... it's working!

Also... I have a PERSONAL TRAINER!!!! She is wonderful! Works really well with me with my scoliosis and back issues... just want to strengthen my whole body as I'm changing.

If IIII can do this... ANYONE can do this. You just have to make up your mind of what you want.

What I'm learning through this process is my self-worth. I am worth the effort of getting healthy. I am worth the time that it takes to cook healthy and exercise. I am worth of a happier life and living free from the bondage of food. I also have realized that I have kept my weight on (subconsciously) as a protection or barrier to not allow people in to hurt me. Since my last boyfriend really did a heart and mind job on me - it has been difficult to lose weight. Therapy and Weight Watchers have been really helping me through this process and showing me that I AM WORTHY. And so are you!

Friday, April 13, 2018

Change is a-coming!

I can't believe that when I started this journey at the beginning of this year... that THIS time, it really would be different.

As of 1/1/2018, I have lost 36 pounds and 13 1/2 inches!! WHAT??!!! I'm super excited and can't believe the success that I'm having! THANK YOU TO WEIGHT WATCHERS FREEDOM program! I look forward to seeing where this journey leads me and how long it's going to take to get this blasted weight off and being healthy!

Here's to keeping it going!

Tuesday, March 20, 2018

Change is SLOW, but oh so worth it!

I sit here a couple weeks since my last post. Many things have happened since I last posted...

Since 1/1/18, I have lost 30 lbs and 13 1/2 inches - since I last measured (which is about a month ago)... :)

Of course I want it to be more, but change can sometimes take a slow time. SOME times it can be quick. For this process, I am glad it's going a little slower than what I like, as it keeps me motivated to keep at it and it will stay off.

For the past 2 weeks, I have been sitting at the same weight (+/- .4 pounds)... that part is very FRUSTRATING! But I do know that my body is going to go through plateaus as it loses the weight off.

How are y'all doing? Where are you at in your journey? Is it going TOO SLOW for you? I have had to re-evaluate what I'm doing to break this plateau to keep the downward journey going.


Saturday, February 24, 2018

Seeing a CHANGE....

Well, I sit here on a Saturday afternoon.... FREEZING, which is different for me here in N. CA.

I am EXCITED to report, that since JAN. 1, 2018, I have LOST 20 pounds AAAAAAAND 13.5" overall!!! WHAT???

This is such an encouragement to my heart and I hope that it can be to yours. I KNOW that it's hard and a struggle on a daily basis... but what I'm remembering is: I am learning to LOVE MYSELF. Not in an arrogant or self-absorbed kind of way. But one of self-care and really loving WHO I AM as a person and everything that makes me... ME.

I want to challenge you to find 10 things that you like/love about yourself! Write them down. Post them on the bathroom mirror. In one month, review that list and I challenge you to add 5 MORE things to add to that list. Do this every month and see what happens!

You will be AMAZED at your inner transformation, while you are working on the outside one.

Tuesday, January 23, 2018

Checking in on the progress....

Well, it's January 23rd and I am amazed at some things that are changing just in a few short weeks.

On the 1st, I weighed AND measured myself as my starting point or shall we say baseline.  At day number 12, I had only lost 4 lbs, BUT lost 6 inches!!!!

Now on day 23, I've lost a total of 12 lbs and 8 inches!!! WHAT???!!!

NO MORE stressing out about food, exercise, eating clean. I do those things, but my personality is one that it's ALL OR NOTHING. Before I would stress out if I missed a meal or program or I didn't make the right choice, for whatever reason.  With this new outlook, I have gained FREEDOM!!! The Holy Spirit has guided me and reminded me of what my body needs.

Let's face it - WE ALL KNOW WHAT TO DO. We KNOW what we are to be eating and doing. So, let's do just that!


Until next time -

Monday, January 8, 2018

New Outlook on things

It's amazing what outlook can do for a person.

As I sit here, looking back at 2017, I seem to recall being more stressed out about my eating, exercising, and portions than what I needed to be. These things are important, but not to be stressed out about it.

SO, in 2018, I vowed that I would make good choices, eat clean as much as possible, and just get out and move. In the ONE WEEK that I have started this new outlook, I've lost 3 pounds!!! I think there is something to this! It takes off a lot of pressure, stress, and doesn't CONTROL my thinking or my life!

So, if you find yourself stressing over the food, exercise, etc. - LET IT GO! Be aware of what you are eating, portions, and meal prep as much as you can, but DON'T STRESS ABOUT IT!!! 

Hope this helps someone to relax, enjoy their life, and be patient!