I have been struggling with fear...
These are thoughts I just needed to get down on "paper"...
๐Have you ever said to yourself:
“I didn’t know it was going to be this hard.”
“I can’t do this anymore.”
“What was I thinking when I thought I could do this?”
If you have, you are in pretty good company. These statements are rooted in a fear of failure. And failure is a looming fear for most of us. Fear of failure is the belief that I need to perform well, succeed at everything, and never show weakness, or something bad will happen.
I struggle with this regarding my weight loss journey and journey to compete on the bodybuilding stage…. Fear of Failure. That I’ll never get there…
What if we believed failure was full of new insights, wisdom, and knowledge? What if we could see that failure filled us with humility, gratitude, and even a little grit from the battle?
And most importantly, what if we believed God doesn’t see our failures, but sees our future and holds it all in his hands?
But God….
๐Trusting God is a process. As we get to know him, to know who he is, his heart, and his nature, we find that he is wholly trustworthy. We build a history with God that is strong enough to stand against every scheme and plot of the enemy. Then when the storms of life come we are securely anchored in truth.
๐The enemy wants us to believe the lie that we can’t trust God, and he uses our past hurts and disappointments to cloud our view of God and convince us that we can’t rely on him. He is going to try to get us to see God in the way that will wound us the most.
He wants us to blame God for anything that goes wrong in our lives.
He wants us to bury and deny we ever have an issue trusting God.
By sowing these seeds of mistrust, he attacks our peace and happiness from every angle and steals the security and acceptance we enjoy in Christ. He does anything and everything he can to keep us from trusting in God.
Our job is to be aware of the enemy’s tactics and see them for what they really are: lies. Then we need to battle against the lies with truth. The truth is that we know God is trustworthy, present with us, and deeply loving towards us.
We CAN trust Him with EVERYTHING!!!