SOOOO much has happened within the last few weeks that I need to write it all down!
I have really dealt with a COMPLETE mindset shift within the past couple of weeks! I was struggling with how I was feeling about myself and how my weight loss journey was going. I get so discouraged and disgusted with myself when I don't see the scale move down. Instead, it was GOING UP!!! How frustrating is that?!?!?!?! But then I had to sit with myself to really see what I was doing to cause this.
I had to be honest with myself and know that I was NOT eating on my food plan or even working out consistently. My main issue is... CONSISTENCY! This is what I had to realize and come to terms with.
I then listened to a pod cast called "Know Your Power" by Julia Rene (an IFBB Wellness Pro) and it really rang true for me and really hit me hard. There were 6 things that she was saying in order to be successful in weight loss journey and bodybuilding. They were:
1. What is your WHY? WHY am I on this journey and keep me going when I don't FEEL like it or want to continue.
2. What is my current relationship with FOOD? Fix bad habits RIGHT NOW!
3. How is my relationship with myself and my BODY currently?
4. Do you have a good support system?
5. Are you ready to be isolated or secluded? (This pertains more to being in prep for bodybuilding).
6. Do I BELIEVE in myself? Believe that I CAN DO THIS?
When I sat with myself and really marinated on these questions, it was very eye opening for me. With questions 2 & 3... what is my relationship with food? I have to say that I AM AN EMOTIONAL EATER. I turn to it when bored, sad, angry, depressed, happy, etc. For what is my relationship with myself... WHOA!! I had to look at myself in the mirror and realize that I LOATHE my body. I HATE the way I feel in my own skin. No one should feel that way about themselves. If my bestie said that about herself, what would I be telling her? I would be telling her to STOP talking to herself that way and bring out ALL the positive! Why do I not talk to myself that way? Combat the negative thoughts and self-talk? Why am I getting in my own way? Self-sabotage.
So, I'm working on telling myself 3 positive affirmations to myself in the mirror daily. I can start seeing small changes - I know that this will be taking some time and slowly, but surely will be how I see myself on a consistent basis.
What are your answers to the questions? Really sit and be honest with yourself...