Tuesday, June 18, 2024

Is it really the middle of June????


Here it is the middle of June and I can't believe that I haven't posted for a couple of months!

UPDATE on weight loss journey:

1. I went with a new Coach - Built to be Different - Kayla Kirajyan and Chandler Vec (shortened last name) and am really liking how they are challenging me and working with me and my mindset. That and consistency have been my BIGGEST challenges on this journey!

2. LOTS has been happening where I've been a little derailed here for several weeks. From putting my house on the market, moving to another state, helping my Mama w/ my Daddy (advanced stages of Alzheimer's and her own health), getting my son registered and ready for high school in the fall w/ football and classes, starting a new job, needing to close on the house in KY...need I say more????

3. Weight has been going up due to me not being consistent - with meal prepping, working out, water intake, sleep.... back to the grind as I am NOT happy with not only the numbers, but how I look and feel in my skin at the moment. 

My son and I actually had a great and challenging conversation just this morning as I picked him up from weight lifting/conditioning for football. He's 14 yrs old and was speaking nothing but the truth and it was hard to hear to be honest. He was challenging me about drinking my Starbucks Chai Tea's and how much I HAVE TO CUT THEM OUT - they are equal to 3 candy bars!! He stated that he was getting tired of reminding me or encouraging me to get my green tea, but I get that AND the chai tea. He also stated that he was getting ready to "just give up on me" and that he was just wondering why it seems like I was being lazy. He questioned me, "How bad do you really want this Mama? How bad to you want to compete? How bad do you really feel in order to do what you need to do"? Talk about a SLAP IN THE FACE!!! But it's something that I really needed to hear and come to terms with. I'm so very THANKFUL for my son and his brutal honesty. I know God gave him to me for many reasons.

Here are pics from January 1, 2024 to June 1, 2024:

There have been changes since the beginning of the year, but over the last couple of weeks, it's gone up. NO MORE!!!  Back on track!

More entries to come to be more consistent with my posting and keeping on track with the journey.