Monday, December 25, 2017

Resolutions....Goals....Dreams.... Challenges.... what are you calling it?

I know that it's that time of year that pretty much all of America, even the world, VOW to lose weight, eat clean, and exercise. There are many "goals" or "resolutions" that a person can come up with...

I know that my list, in past years, have been extensive. The thought of conquering EVERYTHING in one year - a tad bit overwhelming!  So why not tackle one to two different things for that year. Let's say, getting out of debt and walking more. Or meal prep and spend less time on social media. Whatever your "items" that you want to accomplish - make a list of the goals you want to reach from the most important to least. Take the first 2-3 items and make a plan as to HOW you are going to accomplish that goal.


I know that's hard for me to do, but WE CAN DO THIS!!!

Here are my top "goals/dreams/resolutions/challenges" are:


These are just a few - but the ones that I want to tackle to accomplish in 2018 are:

Getting my health on track (eating clean/exercising to lose weight) and getting out of debt while being in God's Word. 

What are your goals/dreams/resolutions/challenges you want to overcome for this coming up year?
What is stopping you from achieving that?

Let's get ready to start and move through this journey called LIFE! Let's live it to the fullest!!!

Tuesday, November 28, 2017

Moving forward...

How did we do over Thanksgiving? Did we gorge ourselves like we do every year and VOWED... NOT THIS YEAR!

I have to admit that I did do some overboard eating with the stuffing... I also had a sliver of pumpkin pie AND my Mama's homemade crust apple pie... oh yes... it was HARD to resist THAT!

But, here we are BACK on the trail and continuing the journey.

Up to date, I have lost 20 pounds by clean eating as much as I can financially do and 7 inches all over... not too shabby for 2 months of work. Rome was not built in a day, neither is weight loss in a healthy way.

I want to encourage you to stick with it - EVEN WHEN IT'S HARD - especially through the holidays with company parties, friends, family, etc.... YOU CAN DO THIS and MOVE FORWARD in your journey of health.

I am on this journey alongside you and on the same path...


Wednesday, October 25, 2017

Surviving the Holidays....

Yes, it has been a minute since I last posted. Life has been crazy!!

As we approach the holidays, it's going to be hard to resist the goodies! There are going to be goodies dripping with sweet ooey, gooey goodness and your mouth is going to water... what are you going to do? How are you going to handle the temptations that are set before you?

And we all are going to say, "WILLPOWER!"... but let's be honest here. WHO is going to do that? Let's give ourselves some tools to be able to handle those types of situations, so we don't fail or get in that vicious cycle of beating ourselves up if we partake of the yummy goodness.

When life gets crazy, healthy eating is sometimes one of the first things to be thrown by the wayside. It can be easier to opt for take-out when you’re juggling the kids' schedule, the ending and beginning  of a college semester, or even just a hectic time at work. But when you start to feel overwhelmed or tempted at the office parties, that’s when meal prepping can be the most effective. You prep all your meals for the week at one time, and then you don’t have to give it a second thought!

Here is a SAMPLE MEAL PLAN that can get you through:

Meal 1 (Breakfast M/W/F): Scrambled Eggs with Spinach and Quinoa (1 red, 1 green, 2 yellow, 1 tsp)
Preparation: Coat nonstick pan with oil. Saute spinach and add 2 beaten eggs to pan. Serve with Quinoa topped with 1 tsp. coconut oil.

Meal 2 (Snack M/W/F): Nectarine (1 purple)

Meal 3 (Lunch M/W/F): Tofu Ceviche with Ezekiel toast (1 red, 1 green, 1 blue, 1 tsp, 1 purple, 1 yellow)
Preparation (Yield: 4 servings): Dice together 1 package tofu, 1 mango, 3 small tomatoes, ½ cup celery, 1 avocado, and ½ red onion. Mix with juice from 4 limes and a pinch of salt. Serve on top of toasted Ezekiel bread.

Meal 3 (Lunch Tue/Thur): Salad Jar: Baked Tofu, Roasted Garbanzo beans, Mixed Greens and 21 Day Fix-approved balsamic vinaigrette (1 red, 1 green, 1 yellow, ½ orange, 1 tsp)
Preparation: Heat oven to 350 degrees. Dice up tofu. Place garbanzo beans and tofu on separate cookie sheets. Coat garbanzo beans with 1 tsp. olive oil. Bake tofu for 15-20 minutes. Roast garbanzo beans until golden brown. Layer dressing, tofu, beans and mixed greens in jar.

Meal 4 (Snack not shown): Chocolate Shakeology blended with ice, water, half a banana and 1 tsp. almond butter (1 red, 1 purple, 1 tsp)

Meal 5 (Dinner M/W): Ground Turkey and Roasted Cauliflower dressed with 21 Day Fix approved balsamic vinaigrette (1 red, 2 green, 1 orange)
Preparation: Coat nonstick pan with cooking spray, cook turkey all the way through. Heat oven to 350 degrees. Chop cauliflower and place on non-stick cookie sheet. Coat with 1 tsp. olive oil. Roast until golden brown.

Meal 5 (Dinner Tue/Thur): Salad Jar with grilled sirloin, strawberries, goat cheese, mixed greens and 21 Day Fix-approved balsamic vinaigrette (1 red, 1 green, 1 purple, 1 blue, ½ orange, 1 tsp)
Preparation: Grill sirloin with 1 tsp. olive oil and cut into thin slices. Layer dressing, steak, goat cheese, strawberries and mixed greens in jar.

6 Recipes for Your Meal Prep Monday |
2 containers tofu
1 dozen eggs
1 lb. lean ground turkey (90/10)
1 lb. lean beef sirloin
1 bunch celery
3 tomatoes
1 avocados
1 bunch cilantro
1 package mixed greens
1 head of cauliflower
1 bag of spinach
4 limes
1 mango
5 nectarines
1 bunch bananas
1 package strawberries
1 loaf of Ezekiel bread
1 package Quinoa
1 can of garbanzo beans
Peanut Butter
Coconut Oil
1 bottle balsamic vinegar
1 package goat cheese

I've done this plan and it WORKS! I love changing things up and for additional plans or recipes you can go to: and get more info.


Tuesday, September 26, 2017

Getting through the hard stuff....

Yes, it has been about a month since I have written. LIFE IS CRAZY!!! It's not easy being a parent, let alone, a single parent.

Between raising my son, caring for my declining parents (Dad has dementia/Alzheimers), being Women's Ministry/Outreach/Marketing Director at my church, volunteer in my son's school, son playing soccer (so soccer practice 2x a week and a game EVERY SATURDAY), and whatever other hat I may have to wear - it is very difficult to have time to myself. I have to make time for myself - keep myself motivated and more importantly, believing in myself. I have to keep reminding myself that I AM WORTH MAKING TIME FOR. I make time and there for everyone else, so why not be there for me? Hmmm...

Who are you there for? Are you making time for yourself? Do you realize that you are worth the investment?

Start believing and face whatever fears that are before you... YOU ARE WORTH THE EFFORT!

Thursday, September 7, 2017

Being Transparent....

It has been a few days since I've last written. It's been a crazy time with my brother from WI flying in, my parents 50th WEDDING ANNIVERSARY this Saturday, and dealing with motivation to stay on track.

I've been doing some thinking about why it is so hard for me to either follow through or stay motivated. I belong to SEVERAL fitness and clean eating groups on Facebook and Instagram, but for some reason when it gets "hard" or I hit a "roadblock" I give up.

After doing some reflection, I have found that I do not believe in myself or feel/think that I am worth it. I go to the ends of the earth for my friends and my family - I believe in them - their biggest cheerleader. They are worth spending time with and worth time and attention. Then why is it so hard to believe that I'm worth it? Why is it hard to believe in myself? Is it due to YEARS of people treating me that I'm not worth their time, or efforts? After experiencing this time and time again, one would start believing it.

I KNOW this to be true for me. No matter how hard I try to push through, when it comes down to it, I give up on myself. It is HARD for me to stay motivated and to "grind" when it gets hard or requiring discipline. WHY? BELIEF and WORTH.

So today is the first day of changing the negative tapes in my head saying that I'm not worth it. THIS WILL NOT be an easy road AT ALL! But I will get there... one day and one positive thought and belief at a time.

Thursday, August 31, 2017


Yes, it's been awhile since I last posted. Life has been a little busy and at the same time been dealing with the adrenal fatigue issue.

Overall, I'm ok, but still pretty exhausted. It's hard to get anything done or even cook healthy meals for me and my son. Exercise is an effort - but I do it. I eat clean - because it's what my body needs.

THIS is why it's so important to take care of your health from the very beginning. DO NOT wait for your body to tell you that something is wrong - that is, if you are closely listening to it to begin with.

We need to be in tune with your body at all times. Everything from high/low blood pressure, high/low blood sugar, pulse, heart rate, constant headaches, migraines, tingling sensations, numbness anywhere on the body, constant fatigue, sleep pattern is off (not getting enough/insomnia or getting too much), etc.

DO NOT be afraid to go see a doctor. They went to medical school for a reason. If you don't like one doctor, find another one that you do like. They are there to help you and have you be in optimal health.


Wednesday, July 26, 2017

Overall Health

I have been posting about health and the body. Today I would like to talk about not just physical health, but total body health.

There is physical, spiritual, and emotional healing that takes place when eating clean, exercising, and being in tune with your body. 

A journey of health is just that - a journey. It is filled with exploring, wandering, victories, and moments of having to retrace your steps to back on track. 

My prayer is that in the moments when you feel like giving up, you will instead lean on the strength of God to pull you through. Remember, He is more dedicated to seeing you succeed than you are. Health was HIS idea from the very beginning. He made your body, soul, and spirit - those three parts of your being that are all connected - when they are healthy and in harmony with each other. 

Don't be afraid to start small. Take baby steps and you will find that you will experience victories!


Friday, July 14, 2017

Adrenal Fatigue....

Some of you know, but some of you may not... I am dealing with adrenal fatigue. Many people have asked me, "What exactly does that mean? What do the adrenals glands do?"... Well... here is an explanation of what I am needing and in the process of doing...

I have been experiencing strange symptoms kicking in, like laying wide awake in bed at night, not waking up rested (ever), waking up in the middle of the night to pee, or not being able to complete your sentences with ease.

However, the ones we have the most control over are the stress hormones:

Adrenaline and Norepinephrine

These are the short-term stress hormones. They are released in a state of ‘fight or flight’ or an emergency to help you survive. For example, if you’ve ever had a car swerve at you and nearly hit you, you’ve probably experienced the sensation of a racing heart, breathing heavily and reacting extremely quickly. Adrenaline and norepinephrine make sure to release a quick supply of glucose and oxygen to your brain and limbs, where energy is required the most. In order to deliver those substances to your brain and muscles quickly, your heart rate, blood pressure and breathing rate are all sped up.


This is the long-term stress hormone and it becomes elevated when you’re in a state of chronic stress. Essentially, it is cortisol’s job to regulate other functions in the body in response to that stress, such as blood sugar, metabolism, immune system, blood pressure and more.
Some stress is normal, and for that reason cortisol peaks during the day and then starts to decline in the evening closer towards bedtime. Unfortunately, when you’re in a state of chronic stress your cortisol levels will be elevated higher than normal, and will also struggle to decline in the evening.

What is Adrenal Fatigue?

If you stare at a screen for 12 hours a day, you’ll get headaches and your vision will worsen over time. Why? Because you wore out your eyes by putting so much strain on them all the time.
Similarly, if you’re constantly stressed you will put a lot of strain on your adrenal glands, and they will get worn out and not be able to perform as well. Eventually, you’ll reach the point where your adrenal glands cannot produce cortisol as efficiently anymore, and you’ll need stimulants to prop yourself up during the day, whether it’s coffee, tea, sugary foods or just a lot of carbs to give you energy to get through the day.

So, how do we reverse this damage?

Progressive Relaxation

  1. Lie down on your back on a yoga mat or your bed
  2. Contract a muscle group forcefully for a period of 1-2 seconds and then let is relax completely
  3. Systematically go through all the muscle groups in your body i.e. face, neck, shoulder, arms (from top to bottom)
  4. Repeat this 2-3 times in total

Deep Breathing

  1. Find a comfortable and quiet place to sit down
  2. Place your feet slightly apart. Place on hand on your belly button, the other on your chest.
  3. Inhale with your nose and exhale through your mouth
  4. Inhale for a count of four – hold for 2 – release for 6
  5. Feel your belly rise and fall
  6. Repeat as many times as needed

Stress-busting Ideas

  • Go for walk breaks at work, or long morning walks
  • Meditate 
  • Yoga (if you’re burnt out, aim for yin restorative yoga vs. power yoga)
  • Write in a journal for 5 minutes each day (a gratitude journal helps reduce anxiety)
  • Take out a few hours a week to enjoy a hobby or interest
  • Start coloring
  • Do some gardening
  • Go for a monthly massage
  • Take a bath with essential oils, Epsom salts or a bath bomb
  • Get lost in a fiction book
  • Hang out with old friends who know you the best
  • If the gym is stressful for you, do a dance class or go for a swim
  • Do nothing (I know, crazy right?)
  • Use essential oils
The Adrenal Fatigue Diet
  • The following scents are excellent for stress relief: lavender, vanilla, ylang ylang, rose, chamomile, lemon balm
  • Smell receptors in the body connect to the brain’s limbic system (the area responsible for emotions); this is the reason aromatherapy is used for relaxation
    • Vitamin C
      • Found in: papaya, pineapple, strawberries, bell peppers, broccoli, oranges
      • Supplement dosage: 1000mg daily (or up to 5-6g daily in divided doses)
    • Vitamin B5
      • Found in: legumes, cauliflower, broccoli, salmon, sweet potatoes, tomatoes
      • Supplement dosage: B-100 complex daily
    • Vitamin B6
      • Found in: turkey, grass-fed beef, avocado, pistachio nuts, pinto beans
      • Supplement dosage: B-100 complex daily
    • Zinc
      • Found in: pumpkin seeds, dark chocolate, garlic, sesame seeds, chickpeas
      • Supplement dosage: 15-30mg
    • Magnesium
      • Found in: dark leafy greens, avocado, pumpkin seeds, dark chocolate, banana, almonds
      • Supplement dosage: magnesium bisglycinate 200mg daily
     So, if you are experiencing any of these symptoms, I encourage you to do some research, see your Dr. and start reversing it naturally - like I am slowly doing.

Here's to our health!

Monday, July 3, 2017

The Skinny Obession...

Hello! I'm sorry that I have been MIA for a couple of weeks. Life happens, but we are back!

Today, we'll be talking about the SKINNY OBSESSION that we all have in this society. 

Young girls are punishing their bodies for what they think society says is beautiful. If they don't feel beautiful, they get teased in school, or some traumatic events happen in their lives, they choose to either NOT eat or binge/purge. THIS is NOT ok. The ache in their stomach takes distracts them from the pain in their hearts.

How can we have our children have healthier self-esteem or self-worth, so they do not end up like us, adults, with these issues? Psalm 18:24 says, "God rewrote the text of my life when I opened the book of my heart to His eyes."  We introduce our kids, boys and girls, to how beautiful they are and to the One Who created them - to give them a healthy self-confidence. 

Teaching and even us re-learning how to eat healthy, clean - the way God intended us to be - will give each and every one of us a healthy emotional heart and mind. 

We need to stop obsessing over what society thinks is beautiful or being the "it" person. Being comfortable in our own skin - whatever that may look like at this moment - is vital. If you are NOT comfortable in your skin, make a plan to change it in a HEALTHY way. Ask God for direction and help in where HE wants you to be.


Sunday, June 18, 2017


Since my last post, I found out that I am in adrenal failure. It IS reversible and have to work harder at getting on a sleep regimen, de-stressing (yeah, I don't know what THAT means), and really be on point with my clean eating. 

But today, I want to talk about insecurity! We ALL face it - on various levels and types of it - but we all got it.

Insecurity is the recognition of an area of vulnerability, the general sense of did-ease in one's own skin. It is like a mold in your kitchen: it's never welcome, but it seems to crop up in all kinds of places. The difference is this: I would never let mold remain on my bread or in my fridge, yet so often we women (and men) readily accept insecurity like it's a normal part of life.

We have insecurities about appearance, approval, relationships, achievement. Insecurity keeps us self-focused and ultimately paralyzed in our life and relationships.

So we (including myself) need to stop feeling this way and find our security in Christ - beautifully and wonderfully made! This is hard when society berates us and fills our head with the impossible to live up to. By just doing and being the way GOD created us to be and WHO we are - that's enough to be at peace with ourselves. 

Monday, June 5, 2017

Healthy and Free - Adrenal Health

Happy June! It's been a couple of days since I last posted - I was reading and researching about adrenal and thyroid health. Have you ever been to the Dr and they want to run tests on your thyroid as the possible cause for your weight gain? I know I have - EVERY. SINGLE. TIME. It's frustrating when it ALWAYS comes back as my thyroid is "fine" or within "normal range." Here is what I found out while researching/reading about this:

Stress - whether good or bad - can throw these 2 glands out of wack. There are 2 types of stress: acute and chronic.

Acute stress: more of you day-to-day, short term stress - like being caught in traffic, cook dinner in a time crunch, getting to work on time, etc. This type of stress comes and go and fairly simple to manage.

Chronic stress: this is the kind that you want to avoid. This is where a person never sees a way out of a miserable situation. This is extremely draining and potentially even fatal. After a long period of time, the body thinks that it is being threatened and the response is it begins to shut down your major organs, including your nervous and immune system.

Symptoms of adrenal fatigue include:
  • Daily cycles of energy bursts and fatigue
  • Cravings for foods high in sugar/fat
  • An increase in PMS and symptoms of menopause
  • Mild depression
  • Lack of energy
  • Decreased ability to handle stress
  • Muscular weakness
  • Inflamed allergies
  • Lightheadedness
  • Decreased sex drive
  • Frequent sighing
  • Inability to handle food that are high in potassium w/o combining them with fats and proteins
  • REST
  • Laugh
  • Excerise
  • Minimize stress
  • Eliminate negative people
  • Eat regular meals (breakfast, lunch - so important to remember to eat these 2)
  • Chew your food - chew slowly - will help your body work harder to break down the food
  • Have FUN every day!
  • Eat smart - stick to whole, unrefined carbs - eat clean
  • Eat YOUR VEGGIES! - Eating 5-6 servings of veggies a day
  • Use your salt shaker - Pink Himalayan salt and Celtic sea salt - not the kind you would normally use
  • Vitamins C, B complex, E
  • Calcium and Magnesium
  • Licorice root - this is a root that promotes a healthy digestive system and cholesterol levels

Saturday, May 27, 2017

Nutritional Supplements....

As people that are researching eating clean, the types of exercises to burn the most fat, how much water they should really be drinking, what the best protein shake they should be making, there is also the talk, concern, or research of nutritional supplements.

The vitamins and minerals found in our nutrition are essential to our ability to function properly. God designed food to meet our bodies' needs. We don't need to take supplements IF you are eating a diet full of nutrient-rich foods, staying hydrated, sleeping well, and have very little stress in your life (I don't know about that one - that's a hard one to keep in check). That scenario is not our norm of course. But the best way to NOT have to take supplements is eat whole, organic foods. If you are busy and "always on the run", you can take supplements in order to AID your body in maintaining a healthy lifestyle.

A good rule of thumb to make sure that your supplements are for you - make sure that they are either fruit- or veggie-based as well as certified organic; not synthetic. Always read the labels. Let's talk about which ones you should be taking, if you choose to do so.

Multivitamin: start with a good, organic multivitamin.
Omega-3s: these are fatty acids that are key to helping the body to reduce unhealthy inflammation. We get these from fish oils (like salmon), krill, flax seeds, chia seeds, and hemp seeds. Use good, organic fish oil (preferably from deep-sea fish).
Vitamin D: We get this from the sunshine and food (mostly animal-based). By having enough Vitamin D, this will help maintain healthy sleep patterns.
Probiotics: these promote good, healthy digestion and overall health for your gut. Organic yogurt, kefir, and kombucha is the best way to get this.

Home Remedies:
Tumeric: helps fight cancer, relieve arthritis, control diabetes, reduce cholesterol levels, promote healthy immune and digestive systems, and help in preventing Alzheimer's and liver disease.
Apple Cider Vinegar: Make sure it's raw, unpasteurized, organic ACV (Apple Cider Vinegar) - it'll have what looks like stringy residue that is in the bottom of the jar. One ounce in warm water and add some raw, local honey to help with the taste will also aid in digestion.

Just start slow and see what works best for your body and your activity level. If not sure, consult your Dr or do some research to find out to take to your Dr and discuss.

Thursday, May 25, 2017

Detoxing, Part 2

There was so much information in the first part of the detoxing, that I didn't want to overwhelm you with ALL the info. Here is simple break downs for the 2nd part and very useful to understand how our bodies work, what it needs, and how we can help our own selves work more efficiently - not harder.

Detoxing the liver is very important. It is the 2nd largest organ that we have and it's function is to help with digestion by producing bile. The bile helps break down fats into smaller units to metabolize. Foods that my help in promoting liver health include avocados, dandelion greens, asparagus, walnuts, organic spinach, grapefruit, raw tomatoes, carrots, garlic, Brussels sprouts, and kale. Don't overdose on the kale, as it can cause flu like symptoms and be pretty potent!

The skin. I'm sure you can guess what the best detox for your skin is... You got it... WATER! Our skin is the largest organ and one of the most important ones that you have. Try having foods that are high in water content, like cucumbers and melons. When you sweat, your skin is getting rid of the toxins, so don't be afraid to SWEAT! :) If you get bored with drinking just plain ol' water - try "detox water". Easy to make and yummy too (might take a minute to get used to, but oh so helpful!) Simply pick your favorite citrus fruit (lemon, orange, grapefruit, etc.) and pair it with your favorite fruits. Popular ones consist of combos like lemon with cucumber, mint with watermelon, and lime with raspberries. Chop fruits and put them into a jar with water. Allow to sit for 30-60 minutes, then drink it! Bottoms up!

Grounding - this is the process of aligning yourself with the electromagnetic field of the earth - walking barefoot in the sand at the ocean (MY FAVORITE!!!)

Fasting - listen to your body. Best way to go about that is simple - if you chose to do a fast - eliminate all food EXCEPT fruit, veggies, and water. There are different types of fasting: juicing, water, "Master cleanse", and the Daniel fast. Before you start any fast, research it. Read up on it. See which one, if any, will be best for optimal results for your particular body and your needs AND consult your Doctor before starting any type of fasting.

Next time will be on Nutritional Supplements... stay tuned! :)

Sunday, May 21, 2017

Eating Clean - Detoxing Part 1

This journey of health is an amazing one. Just taking it one step at a time, and NOT all at once, is the key. Your mind and body WILL NOT be able to process it all at once. It will just set you up for failure...and that's what we DON'T want.

Today is about eating clean. What we put in our bodies to fuel it, is so key and important. So, continuing in the book "Healthy and Free", there is a segment on this very topic.

"A drawback to dieting is that it can indirectly exacerbate a weight problem. Recognize the triggers that cause emotional eating, stop dieting, and start nourishing your body with healthy, organic, living foods. Your body needs food to burn fat. When you starve your body, your brain tells it to store all your fat, because it knows that it's not getting enough in your diet. Once you begin to eat good, healthy, clean foods, your body will respond and will work for you.

"Clean eating" means that you consume foods that are pure and true in their natural form. This includes an abundance of foods like fruit, veggies, healthy proteins, and good fats. It helps eliminate processed foods like refined sugar, salt, and flour from your "diet".  There is the old saying, "If you can't read or pronounce the ingredients, don't eat it!"

Protein should be a fundamental part of your diet. It's recommended that you eat one gram of protein for every pound that you weigh. Protein is one of our main body builders - from muscles, hormones, enzymes, and antibodies. When choosing proteins, try to stick to high-quality, organic sources such as lean red meats, poultry, fish, cottage cheese, milk, natural nut butters, peas, broccoli, organic corn, chickpeas, spinach, and kale. There are also many good protein powders that can help supplement the protein intake. There are vegan protein powder made of peas, hemp, and cranberry - YUM!

Fats, when eating good healthy fats and in the right amount, can actually aid in weight loss, as well as metabolism. You need to have between .3 and .6 grams of healthy fat per pound of body weight. You can find these healthy fats in foods like: wild salmon, cod, nuts, seeds, avocados (which are a "complete" food meaning they contain fat, carbs, and protein), and oils (flaxseed, olive, fish, and coconut).

Carbs provide our bodies with energy and the lack of them will actually increase cravings for sugar and other junk foods. You will want to stick with complex carbs that are commonly found in veggies, wholemeal breads, and cereals. Other types of food that you get good carbs can be found in spinach, yams, broccoli, beans, brown rice, quinoa, zucchini, lentils, skim milk, whole grains, and many other leguminous plants and veggies. For breads, Ezekiel bread or Manna bread or any sprouted grains bread.

Sugar has been proven to be more addictive than hard drugs! We need to find healthier alternatives. These alternatives need to have a low-glycemic sugar that will not spike your blood sugar level. You will need to be a 55 or below on the glycemic scale. These can come in the form of: Natural Maple Syrup: 54; Natural Honey: 50; Natural Yacon Syrup: 1; Coconut Palm Sugar: 35; and Stevia: 0 - make sure it is pure Stevia - that it hasn't had corn syrup added to it. Please stay away from Aspartame and Splenda - linked to numerous diseases and conditions.

"Superfoods" are powerful additions to nutrition that provide high doses of antioxidants, vitamins, and minerals. Chia seeds, Gogi berries, hemp seeds, flax seeds, and Kale." There are many more - you just have to do the research.

This is just a start of what is out there - so sorry that it was a long one today, but it is SO important to know HOW to fuel your body for it to run properly and efficiently. Let's feed our bodies the right way and live cleaner, healthier lives for ourselves and our families!

Tuesday, May 16, 2017

Get Moving...

Continuing with the "Healthy and Free" book that I'm reading, we have come to the section about "Get Moving!"

Have you ever thought or felt, "If exercise were a pill, it would be the most cost-effective drug ever invented." When we sit on the couch, being sedentary, we feel tired and/or a little foggy-brained. Once we get up, though, we start to feel better, proving we are not created to be sedentary.

Do you have to go to the gym to get results? NOT at all! I just want to encourage you to just move! Whether it's going to the gym, riding a bike, playing sports, or working out in your living room, the sacrifice of exercise is minimal compared to its benefits!

Not only does exercise benefit your physical body, but it also has great benefits for you mind. It has been proven that physical activity can help combat depression and mental fog, relieve stress, and improve body image, and self-esteem.

Don't limit yourself to one type of exercise. There are different types that you should consider. Here are some options:
  • Cardio - this is getting your heart rate up
  • Interval Training - a high intensity workout that includes focused and intense lifting that keeps heart rate pumping, then followed by a short break to slow your heart down.
  • Crossfit - workout that combines cardio, weights, gymnastics, and core training
  • Swimming - great way to add cardio - even muscle tone - to your body. It is also helpful that it's non-weight bearing to help with joints
  • Stretching - this is crucial for your body as it starts the flow of blood to your muscles, which will help you move better
  • Pilates and Yoga - this is a great way to stretch and tone your muscles. Take the eastern religious aspect out of yoga and replace with focusing on the Word of God. Pilates focuses and challenges your core while also working other parts of your body.
These are just a few ideas to help you in the fitness journey. The goal is to find something that you enjoy so that exercise doesn't have to become a chore.


Tuesday, May 9, 2017

The Power of Sleep

It's amazing what sleep can do for a body! Sleep is a powerful tool in a healthy  lifestyle. Life seems to be so packed full with events and busyness that sleep often takes a backseat. Perhaps you feel guilty when you start to feel run down and decide to rest because you expect that you should have been able to get by on only a few hours of sleep. Too many of us feel that there are more productive things to do with our time than just sleep.

We have to change our thinking and allow our bodies to sleep. Rest, even a power nap, may help improve your health and quality of life dramatically. Our bodies recalibrate as we sleep. Our whole system are restored. Sleep regulates hormones, as those that regulate appetite. 

When you deprive yourself of sleep, you are only setting yourself up to fail physically and sometimes emotionally. Many people spend their lives serving till they came to the end of themselves. By putting themselves last, many went into burnout and some made bad choices. Sometimes the cause for failure in people's moral lives can be traced back to prolonged sleep deprivation. 

To ensure to help your body get the best rest possible, eat a SMALL portion of protein. This helps aid the body in the process and helps burn fat as you sleep. 
Sleep is the foundation for good health because without it, the body simply cannot reap the benefits of a healthy lifestyle. 


Monday, May 8, 2017

Hydration - Part of Healthy Living and doing it FREELY...

Here is an important part of living healthy and do it free from the bondage of food.  

Water is a vital factor in determining our health for many reasons. If you feel thirsty, you are already on your way to dehydration - already lost around 2-3% of your body's water content. Many people don't realize that as they reach for a soda or their favorite sugary, caffeinated latte when they feel thirsty, only leads to more dehydration. 

Dehydration can lead to a variety of sickness, disease, and slower metabolism. 

So how much water should we be drinking? A good rule of thumb is to take your body weight, divide it by 2, and drink that number in ounces. For example: if you weigh 130 pounds, you should be drinking 65 oz a day in water. I know that this may seem overwhelming - SHOOT - I should be drinking 175 oz a day!!!

Hydration is a key factor in your journey to health, so keep drinking, no matter how hard it may get! Over time, your body will start to crave it and love you for being kind to it with just drinking water. Your skin will look and feel better. Your organs, muscles, cells, and bones will function better. 

Water is also our body's main source of energy, sometimes known as the "cash flow" of the body, helping it function more fluidly. 

Best is NOT out of the tap - too many chemicals. Filtered (Brita, etc) is best and the BEST investment one can make (pretty inexpensive to get a pitcher or I have a 5 gallon one that I keep in the fridge). 


Friday, May 5, 2017

Seeing Health and being Free!

As I continue to read, "Healthy and Free" by Beni Johnson, I am realizing more and more how I have allowed food to keep me hostage to how I feel about myself. I didn't really realize that I had negative thoughts and feeling about and towards myself, because of my weight. By going to counseling, I am dealing with the emotional issues that have happened and I chose to overeat to mask the hurt/pain.

Today, in Chapter 3, it talks about being God's Art. WHOA. Never thought about myself as God's Art.  Here are excerpts from the chapter:

*THE GREAT DESIGNER* - We are designed by God, who is the greatest artist of all time. We are fashioned with great care and much detail. YOU are God's BEST piece of art. The word "intertwined" means connected and linked together - the mind, body, and spirit cannot be separated.

*SAVING THE BEST FOR LAST* - Many of us are familiar with the story of creation. In 6 days, God created the heavens and the earth and all things in it. What I find intriguing is that God waited to create His most intricate, complex, and best creation last - US! HE saves the best for last! He is as the Master Designer. God loves details. We know this because the Scriptures tell us that not only does God care about us passionately, He even knows the exact number of hairs of our heads! Out of all the beauty and wonders that God has created in this world, we are HIS very best workmanship.

*TRIUNE BEING*  - There is no separation between our bodies, souls, and spirits. We have to see ourselves as this WHOLE being, and appreciate how God made us, without elevating one part over another. We are His great design.

The beauty of how God has designed us, and it gave me a greater incentive to want to take care of this temple that God has specifically given to me to live in - we're the only one who can take care of our own temple. The Lord will reveal to you just how perfectly crafted you are - that you are HIS best work. 


Tuesday, May 2, 2017

More on Healthy and FREE....

I am really enjoying the book Healthy and Free by Beni Johnson.... 

In my previous post, I shared some key points from Chapter 1... here are some excerpts from Chapter 2...

  • NEEDING TO LOVE OURSELVES - Loving God must be something that every fiber of our being can feel. The second commandment (note that is is not the second "suggestion") is to love your neighbor as you love yourself. It all starts in our minds.
  • GIVING YOURSELF PERMISSION - Ask yourself these questions: Do I like myself? Do I love myself? If your answer is no, then it is time to give yourself permission to fall in love with yourself. Your entire being is dependent on you to love your mind, body, and spirit. You are worthy of being loved!! Become like a child and allow yourself to turn those negative thoughts into beautiful words. "Toxic thoughts are thoughts that trigger negative and anxious emotions, which produce biochemicals, that cause the body stress. They are stored in your mind as well as in the cells in your body."
  • HOW YOUR MIND AFFECTS YOUR HEALTH - In order to lose weight you have to overcome the lies that you believe about yourself. Ask yourself THESE questions: Do I have thoughts that are keeping me from my goals? Are there lies that I believe that are keeping me from a healthy and free life? Have I talked myself into believing that I can't reach my goals? First, get out a piece of paper and begin to ask the Holy Spirit to reveal to you any lies that you have been believing. Next, ask God to show you the truth about yourself. If you want to change the direction you are heading and think brand-new, healthy thoughts about yourself, then join me in repenting. Begin anew by starting to make positive declarations over your life.
  • DECLARATIONS - Once you start on the journey to loving yourself, giving yourself permission to change, and doing an "about face", then you can being to start making declarations over your life. What do you want in your life? Happiness? Healthy relationships? you can actually decide to declare those things into existence with holy and godly declarations. Remember that God wants to partner with you too. He is rooting for you. He is on your side!
  • LAUGHTER - Laughter is the best medicine. I love how God uses laughter to bring restoration and peace to our bodies and minds. When you pay attention to your soul and choose to take steps toward it's healing, you will find it will be a turning point, not only for your mind, but your body as well. "Beloved, I pray that you may prosper in all things and be in health, just as your soul prospers" (3 John 1:2).
AMAZING READ - I suggest you pick up a copy today!

Monday, April 24, 2017

Healthy and Free....

I have been reading a book called, "Healthy and Free" by Beni Johnson. I'm only a couple of chapters in and I'm LOVING this book!

Here are some excerpts that are ringing true in my own heart:

1. Find your "why". Ask yourself this - Why do you want to get healthy? Why do you want to be strong? Why do you want to lose weight? I think it's important to know WHY you are doing what you are doing.

2. What's next? Health and wellness can be overwhelming. Walk into your kitchen and say out loud, "Where do I start, God?" He will let you know, when asking with a sincere heart where you should start. It could be just starting to cut back on carbs. For some, it could be sugar. Maybe processed food? Just simply ask, where do I START? Not change everything at one time, but one thing at a time - baby steps.

3. Changing your mind. Next to finding your "why", the single most important thing to becoming healthy is the willingness to change your mind. You have to get to the point where you make the decision to change your mind and think about your health differently. "I'm never going back" to.... 

4. Grace. As you step into giving yourself grace, know that He (God) will help keep you on the right path. This is another reason why partnering with God is so vital to your journey. Don't be afraid to ask Him questions and seek His insight. 

If you want to change the journey that you are on, simply pray this prayer:

Father, I thank You for the life that You have given to me and that You intend for me to walk in divine health. Thank You for Your supernatural grace that is a daily gift. Today, I step into that grace in order to become a healthy, whole person. I receive Your counsel and wisdom to choose life, and to walk out the necessary steps for my health. I declare over myself a divine grace to take every step I need to be whole. In Jesus' Name, AMEN!

Let's be HEALTHY and FREE together....  

Wednesday, April 12, 2017

Re-Occurring Theme

I know that it has been a little while since I've last post...

I've been putting in my miles, when I can, but I've been recovering from an illness and an injury. I can't seem to lose weight, no matter what my nutrition is... I'm eating clean (not 100% on point, but for the most part) and walking, when I can...

I'm going to go see an endocrinologist to see what may be going on with my hormones and why my body may be fighting against itself!

As I write this post, I'm seeing that there is a re-occurring theme... I go in waves of being on point with nutrition and exercise, then there's a lull - maybe not on point, but at least there is some movement... I don't know or can figure out what the cycle is or even how to break the cycle. 

I'm still going through counseling, so maybe that will reveal some things and things I may be holding on to....

I want to break this cycle! More to come and I will try to be better at blogging about this journey...

Monday, March 13, 2017

Been a little while.....

Yesssss, it's been a little while since I've written.  I've been busy with school, ministry, and being a single Mama....

I am training for at 12K that is coming up on April 2nd called Run Rocklin. The start and finish line is literally right down the street from my house! How convienent is that????  So, I'm going out tomorrow to get 5 miles in and get geared up to do my 7-8 miles in a couple of weeks.

What I've also been changing is my nutrition. We will see how it works in about a month - it just might be the key to unlock this yo-yo lifestyle and lose this weight to be healthy!

I miss getting out and running/walking and girl time with my Mae. I'm so impressed with her and she keeps me grounded and GOING! Knowing that she is waiting for me, keeps me accountable to get out, and an awesome friend.  EVERYONE needs a Mae in their lives! :)


Wednesday, February 15, 2017

At peace.....

I have previously written that I had been feeling stuck - feeling like I was on a hamster wheel. But these past 2 weeks have been amazing!!! Not only did I receive confirmation  on what career I should be doing in life - using my God-given talents and abilities that He created me to have and be.

With this new revelation of what I'm to be doing - comes a renewed sense of purpose and getting back on track with my nutrition and exercise! I just purchased the containers for me to store my food as I meal prep - back out getting some miles in and doing BeachBody 21 Day Fix Extreme DVD's with my son, Lincoln. He encourages me to get up and do the exercises with him. Here I thought I was to be the one to teach him about being healthy,  eating clean or good food, and have a positive body image. It turns out that HE is the one that is teaching ME!!!! Amazing what kids will teach us, when it really is our job to teach them.

So come rain or shine - I'm out walking AND doing the DVD's with my boy. Here's to a healthier life - and a happier home.

I'm at peace...

Tuesday, January 24, 2017

Looking forward to the future.....

I went for a 2 mile walk/run today... it FELT sooo good to get out and move! It's been pouring down rain here for a good 4 days, so it's been very difficult to get out and get some miles in. I do, however, have Beachbody DVD's that I can do during these times of weather not cooperating with what I'm trying to do.

I am looking forward to the future - by keeping up my exercising and clean eating - I KNOW that the weight will eventually come off... I am also looking forward to talking to a bariatric surgeon to see if there can be any revisions or other options for me, since I've already had the Gastric Bypass 14 years ago. I'll keep y'all posted on how that goes.

MEANWHILE - Let's ALL look forward to the future and what it holds for each and every one of us! What are your goals? Are you taking the steps to achieve those goals? How are you accomplishing those dreams?


Friday, January 20, 2017

Feeling Stuck....

I'm sure that there are many of you that have felt or are currently feeling the way that I am right now.... STUCK!

Sometimes it feels as if we simply cannot move on with our life. As if there was something that kept us from pursuing our dreams. Consequently, we feel limited and simply do not know what to do. We have no idea how to break free from the limitations that are imposed upon us. What is worse, we do not even know what it is that imposes these limitations on us. It’s quite scary to be confronted with an invisible obstacle you cannot seem to tackle.

If you do not know how to precisely tackle the issue, breaking free from feeling stuck in life can be really difficult. The harder you try to get out of it, the more you’re getting stuck. That’s the big problem about being stuck in a rut. It gradually weakens your strength to get unstuck. 

So what you can you do to get unstuck? I've been asking myself this question for a little while now and after doing a little bit of research and reading of some articles, this is what I found:

  1. Face your fears - People are unable to move forward because they are afraid.
  2. Break your routine - Feeling stuck in life can be the result of unhealthy and restraining routines.
  3. Affect change, one step at a time
  4. Overcome the perception of impossibilities
  5. Be honest with yourself - Have the courage to at least think about the possible solution. It might be challenging to even consider acknowledging that you took a wrong path in life. But ultimately, it might prove to be better than suffering from this decision for the rest of your life.
  6. Change your perspective - Time to break these negative beliefs. Stop walking the same path you’ve always chosen. Explore new perspectives by taking other paths. Ask yourself what your real goals are. Explore what you’re passionate about. Discover what it is that truly energizes you. Find your true purpose in life. Challenge yourself to have a vision for your life. 
  7. Differentiate between feeling and fact
  8. Avoid blaming others
  9. Stop comparing yourself to others - this is a hard one NOT to do
  10. Stop making excuses - Excuses keep us from moving forward in life.
    If you really want to do something, you’ll find a way. If you don’t, you’ll find an excuse. - Jim Rohn

    Here is how I've TEMPORARLIY decided to become "UNSTUCK" -

  11.  But most importantly, the ONE thing that I am learning to become "UNSTUCK" is..... PRAY and TRUST JESUS to guide you in where you are supposed to be and what you are supposed to be doing. If you TRUST HIM and have a personal relationship with Him, He WILL guide you. 

    Let's get "unstuck" together...






Sunday, January 15, 2017

New Mindset...

IS AMAZING!!!  It's crazy how much your mind plays a role in your health and fitness!

Since having a different mindset and thinking positively - THAT I CAN DO THIS - I look at food and exercise differently. I'm also going to intensive counseling to help me with my food issues and the reasons why I have been such a HUGE emotional eater.... I HAVE DROPPED 20 lbs!!!

I can only encourage you to really evaluate how you view your life - from fitness, food, relationships, career, etc.... you might be surprised what that outlook is. If it's negative Nelly - change it to positive Polly! Your life will be more fruitful and productive!

So this is going to be a short post tonight, but just really take a look at HOW you view things in your life... more positive, the more satisfied and accomplished you will feel when you obtain those goals that you have set out for yourself....

I know I'm seeing this firsthand.

Tuesday, January 10, 2017

Food Prep - Get Crunchy!

Meal prep when you’re crunched for time takes planning. I am making Sunday afternoons, after church, my meal prep day, so that the rest of the week can be as stress free as possible.
Raw foods are a quick, no cook solution for when you’re in a pinch. Whether it’s making sure you have the right snacks on hand or just need to throw together something quick for a meal, don’t discount raw foods. It’s sort of like nature’s fast food!

Some of these suggestions may seem deceptively simple but remember, there is no need to over complicate things especially when there are so many foods that are great in their natural state.

Here are some go-to raw items:

  • Bananas: Tasty and super rich in potassium to help stave off post-workout cramps
  • Grapefruits: Refreshing, cleansing and a natural fat burner
  • Apples: Easy, perfectly portable! Need I say more?
  • Berries: Delicious and loaded with antioxidants! Try a mix of different types.
  • Raw nuts: no more than 10-15 at a time as they are high in calories
  • Bell peppers: I love bell peppers! Just slice ‘em up and throw ‘em in a bag-easy!
  • Cucumbers: Dom and I go through tons of these. They are hydrating and crunchy!
  • Carrots: Buy whole carrots! Baby carrots are often processed to look pretty.
  • Greens!: Throw kale into a bowl for a quick base to a salad
  • Brussel Sprouts: Yup they are great raw when chopped finely and added to your salad (I personally don't like Brussel Sprouts, but there you go).

I like to follow a couple of general rules when it comes to raw foods. One is to stick to buying whole fruits and veggies. It can be tempting to go for pre-sliced items but it’s important to know that once produce has been sliced, it’s begun oxygenating which breaks down some of that valuable nutrition. Second, when it comes to fruit, I consume it earlier in the day. Even though it’s healthy, I try to eat fruit before the early afternoon to ensure I burn off the sugars throughout the day.

Reaching for raw foods when you are trying to save time on prep is a great idea for your overall wellness. It’ll make your week that much better by keeping you on track, well-nourished and maintaining steady energy levels throughout your hectic day. So when you’re in a time crunch, don’t be afraid to get crunchy! - Autumn Calabrese

Wednesday, January 4, 2017

Happy 2017!

Well, here we are 4 days into the new year....

How many of us have already "fallen off the wagon" or "slipped up on our clean eating plan"? It's ok... they way that it needs to be looked at is: Ok, so I may have "slipped", "goofed", or flat out "blown it" for a meal or even the day. SO WHAT???!!!! There is always the next meal to "get back on track" of getting your health back! Don't shoot the whole day of eating based on what happened for ONE meal! Just make the right choices at the next meal going forward!

So, since Dec. 14th when I went to the Neurologist in SF - I've lost 16.8 pounds!!! And that's even through the CHRISTMAS and NEW YEAR holiday!!! WHAT??? 😮 So, if I can do it, I know you can too!

I'll be taking my measurements tomorrow to see how I do this year!

I challenge EACH of you to get out and MOVE! If you live in the Roseville/Rocklin area, come join me at Shamrockin', Run Rocklin, or any other local 5K/10K/12K event!  Start racking up your bling (medals)!

Let me know how I can encourage you!  Leave a comment below and let me know of different things that you would like to see in this blog... recipes? Journey? Pictures? Exercise tips?