Friday, January 20, 2017

Feeling Stuck....

I'm sure that there are many of you that have felt or are currently feeling the way that I am right now.... STUCK!

Sometimes it feels as if we simply cannot move on with our life. As if there was something that kept us from pursuing our dreams. Consequently, we feel limited and simply do not know what to do. We have no idea how to break free from the limitations that are imposed upon us. What is worse, we do not even know what it is that imposes these limitations on us. It’s quite scary to be confronted with an invisible obstacle you cannot seem to tackle.

If you do not know how to precisely tackle the issue, breaking free from feeling stuck in life can be really difficult. The harder you try to get out of it, the more you’re getting stuck. That’s the big problem about being stuck in a rut. It gradually weakens your strength to get unstuck. 

So what you can you do to get unstuck? I've been asking myself this question for a little while now and after doing a little bit of research and reading of some articles, this is what I found:

  1. Face your fears - People are unable to move forward because they are afraid.
  2. Break your routine - Feeling stuck in life can be the result of unhealthy and restraining routines.
  3. Affect change, one step at a time
  4. Overcome the perception of impossibilities
  5. Be honest with yourself - Have the courage to at least think about the possible solution. It might be challenging to even consider acknowledging that you took a wrong path in life. But ultimately, it might prove to be better than suffering from this decision for the rest of your life.
  6. Change your perspective - Time to break these negative beliefs. Stop walking the same path you’ve always chosen. Explore new perspectives by taking other paths. Ask yourself what your real goals are. Explore what you’re passionate about. Discover what it is that truly energizes you. Find your true purpose in life. Challenge yourself to have a vision for your life. 
  7. Differentiate between feeling and fact
  8. Avoid blaming others
  9. Stop comparing yourself to others - this is a hard one NOT to do
  10. Stop making excuses - Excuses keep us from moving forward in life.
    If you really want to do something, you’ll find a way. If you don’t, you’ll find an excuse. - Jim Rohn

    Here is how I've TEMPORARLIY decided to become "UNSTUCK" -

  11.  But most importantly, the ONE thing that I am learning to become "UNSTUCK" is..... PRAY and TRUST JESUS to guide you in where you are supposed to be and what you are supposed to be doing. If you TRUST HIM and have a personal relationship with Him, He WILL guide you. 

    Let's get "unstuck" together...






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