Tuesday, January 24, 2017

Looking forward to the future.....

I went for a 2 mile walk/run today... it FELT sooo good to get out and move! It's been pouring down rain here for a good 4 days, so it's been very difficult to get out and get some miles in. I do, however, have Beachbody DVD's that I can do during these times of weather not cooperating with what I'm trying to do.

I am looking forward to the future - by keeping up my exercising and clean eating - I KNOW that the weight will eventually come off... I am also looking forward to talking to a bariatric surgeon to see if there can be any revisions or other options for me, since I've already had the Gastric Bypass 14 years ago. I'll keep y'all posted on how that goes.

MEANWHILE - Let's ALL look forward to the future and what it holds for each and every one of us! What are your goals? Are you taking the steps to achieve those goals? How are you accomplishing those dreams?


Friday, January 20, 2017

Feeling Stuck....

I'm sure that there are many of you that have felt or are currently feeling the way that I am right now.... STUCK!

Sometimes it feels as if we simply cannot move on with our life. As if there was something that kept us from pursuing our dreams. Consequently, we feel limited and simply do not know what to do. We have no idea how to break free from the limitations that are imposed upon us. What is worse, we do not even know what it is that imposes these limitations on us. It’s quite scary to be confronted with an invisible obstacle you cannot seem to tackle.

If you do not know how to precisely tackle the issue, breaking free from feeling stuck in life can be really difficult. The harder you try to get out of it, the more you’re getting stuck. That’s the big problem about being stuck in a rut. It gradually weakens your strength to get unstuck. 

So what you can you do to get unstuck? I've been asking myself this question for a little while now and after doing a little bit of research and reading of some articles, this is what I found:

  1. Face your fears - People are unable to move forward because they are afraid.
  2. Break your routine - Feeling stuck in life can be the result of unhealthy and restraining routines.
  3. Affect change, one step at a time
  4. Overcome the perception of impossibilities
  5. Be honest with yourself - Have the courage to at least think about the possible solution. It might be challenging to even consider acknowledging that you took a wrong path in life. But ultimately, it might prove to be better than suffering from this decision for the rest of your life.
  6. Change your perspective - Time to break these negative beliefs. Stop walking the same path you’ve always chosen. Explore new perspectives by taking other paths. Ask yourself what your real goals are. Explore what you’re passionate about. Discover what it is that truly energizes you. Find your true purpose in life. Challenge yourself to have a vision for your life. 
  7. Differentiate between feeling and fact
  8. Avoid blaming others
  9. Stop comparing yourself to others - this is a hard one NOT to do
  10. Stop making excuses - Excuses keep us from moving forward in life.
    If you really want to do something, you’ll find a way. If you don’t, you’ll find an excuse. - Jim Rohn

    Here is how I've TEMPORARLIY decided to become "UNSTUCK" -

  11.  But most importantly, the ONE thing that I am learning to become "UNSTUCK" is..... PRAY and TRUST JESUS to guide you in where you are supposed to be and what you are supposed to be doing. If you TRUST HIM and have a personal relationship with Him, He WILL guide you. 

    Let's get "unstuck" together...






Sunday, January 15, 2017

New Mindset...

IS AMAZING!!!  It's crazy how much your mind plays a role in your health and fitness!

Since having a different mindset and thinking positively - THAT I CAN DO THIS - I look at food and exercise differently. I'm also going to intensive counseling to help me with my food issues and the reasons why I have been such a HUGE emotional eater.... I HAVE DROPPED 20 lbs!!!

I can only encourage you to really evaluate how you view your life - from fitness, food, relationships, career, etc.... you might be surprised what that outlook is. If it's negative Nelly - change it to positive Polly! Your life will be more fruitful and productive!

So this is going to be a short post tonight, but just really take a look at HOW you view things in your life... more positive, the more satisfied and accomplished you will feel when you obtain those goals that you have set out for yourself....

I know I'm seeing this firsthand.

Tuesday, January 10, 2017

Food Prep - Get Crunchy!

Meal prep when you’re crunched for time takes planning. I am making Sunday afternoons, after church, my meal prep day, so that the rest of the week can be as stress free as possible.
Raw foods are a quick, no cook solution for when you’re in a pinch. Whether it’s making sure you have the right snacks on hand or just need to throw together something quick for a meal, don’t discount raw foods. It’s sort of like nature’s fast food!

Some of these suggestions may seem deceptively simple but remember, there is no need to over complicate things especially when there are so many foods that are great in their natural state.

Here are some go-to raw items:

  • Bananas: Tasty and super rich in potassium to help stave off post-workout cramps
  • Grapefruits: Refreshing, cleansing and a natural fat burner
  • Apples: Easy, perfectly portable! Need I say more?
  • Berries: Delicious and loaded with antioxidants! Try a mix of different types.
  • Raw nuts: no more than 10-15 at a time as they are high in calories
  • Bell peppers: I love bell peppers! Just slice ‘em up and throw ‘em in a bag-easy!
  • Cucumbers: Dom and I go through tons of these. They are hydrating and crunchy!
  • Carrots: Buy whole carrots! Baby carrots are often processed to look pretty.
  • Greens!: Throw kale into a bowl for a quick base to a salad
  • Brussel Sprouts: Yup they are great raw when chopped finely and added to your salad (I personally don't like Brussel Sprouts, but there you go).

I like to follow a couple of general rules when it comes to raw foods. One is to stick to buying whole fruits and veggies. It can be tempting to go for pre-sliced items but it’s important to know that once produce has been sliced, it’s begun oxygenating which breaks down some of that valuable nutrition. Second, when it comes to fruit, I consume it earlier in the day. Even though it’s healthy, I try to eat fruit before the early afternoon to ensure I burn off the sugars throughout the day.

Reaching for raw foods when you are trying to save time on prep is a great idea for your overall wellness. It’ll make your week that much better by keeping you on track, well-nourished and maintaining steady energy levels throughout your hectic day. So when you’re in a time crunch, don’t be afraid to get crunchy! - Autumn Calabrese

Wednesday, January 4, 2017

Happy 2017!

Well, here we are 4 days into the new year....

How many of us have already "fallen off the wagon" or "slipped up on our clean eating plan"? It's ok... they way that it needs to be looked at is: Ok, so I may have "slipped", "goofed", or flat out "blown it" for a meal or even the day. SO WHAT???!!!! There is always the next meal to "get back on track" of getting your health back! Don't shoot the whole day of eating based on what happened for ONE meal! Just make the right choices at the next meal going forward!

So, since Dec. 14th when I went to the Neurologist in SF - I've lost 16.8 pounds!!! And that's even through the CHRISTMAS and NEW YEAR holiday!!! WHAT??? 😮 So, if I can do it, I know you can too!

I'll be taking my measurements tomorrow to see how I do this year!

I challenge EACH of you to get out and MOVE! If you live in the Roseville/Rocklin area, come join me at Shamrockin', Run Rocklin, or any other local 5K/10K/12K event!  Start racking up your bling (medals)!

Let me know how I can encourage you!  Leave a comment below and let me know of different things that you would like to see in this blog... recipes? Journey? Pictures? Exercise tips?