Sunday, March 31, 2019

Spring is HERE!!!

Finally!!! The rain is NOT a constant thing anymore, but happens when it needs to! What beautiful days we've been having and it's WONDERFUL so we can go outside and enjoy the fresh air and get our movement on!!

It's been a crazy couple of months since I last wrote... I GOT ENGAGED!!!! WHAT??? That's right... he FINALLY put a ring on it! :) . So... I'm doing a marathon in December and getting married a few months after that!!!

So what does this all mean??? It means I HAVE A LOT OF WORK TO DO!!! It seems that I've been going up on the scale - my mind has NOT been focused - my exercise has been random at best - and I have noticed that I am tired way too often.  A couple of weeks ago, I did a 10K - Shamrockin' - and I came in DEAD LAST! I walked pretty much most of it. My body hurt. My feet were on fire. My body was telling me to GET THIS WEIGHT OFF SO I CAN BREATHE and FUNCTION...

I've been playing around with being plant-based, but not really taking it seriously. Well, I have to now. There is no other way really for me to get this weight off, fuel my body correctly, and be energized.  I did join Planet Fitness, which the plan is to go every day after I drop my son off at school and work out for at least an hour. On Mondays, I have Weight Watchers, then go work out. Thursdays - Aqua Zumba, then go work out. I have to take this to the point mentally, that if I DON'T eat this way, I will die.

In so many ways, I will. Or at least I'm slowly dying or killing myself with the choices that I'm making.

How can I support you in your journey, as I go on mine?

Leave a comment - let me know you're out there - let me know how I can support you.

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