Monday, January 20, 2020

Keeping up?

How are we doing with keeping up with our goals? We are 20 days in the new year... how are we holding up? I know for me personally it's been ROUGH!!! My consistency for my workouts as been lacking, that is for sure.  Nutrition has been on very well, with minor detours, but back on track for greatness!

What are the areas or area that you really struggle with to be able to reach your goals?

Water intake?

You can always RE-START! If you mess up on ONE meal - pick better choices on the VERY NEXT meal!! Exercise lacking? Get some stretching/yoga in before you go to bed - (I'm preachin' to myself on this one)...


Wednesday, January 8, 2020

Inspiration.... who needs it?

Here it is... only the 8th day into the new year, and I see all over social media that people need to stay encouraged, motivated, etc. to keep on track with their dreams! Nothing is going to happen within a week of making up your mind to do it. Sometimes, it takes a few weeks, months, and yes, even years. But if it's something that you are always wanting to accomplish, do, or go - isn't it worth the effort it takes to get there? THAT REQUIRES TIME and WORK to be put in! It takes time to change bad or old habits and create new ones.

I'm guilty of this! I want it NOW! Not in a few months or even in a year... I wanted to be skinny/healthy last decade! However, I have to keep reminding myself that it took time to put the weight on, it's going to take time to take it off.

Here are hopefully some motivational sayings or memes that can help you along your journey:

Friday, January 3, 2020

New Year Words - to live by or just an idea that sounds good?

I'm sure that there are lots of people that have chosen their "word" for 2020... I've been trying to decide between 2 words and I think I'm going to claim BOTH of them! LOL

The two words that I want to focus on this year are:

1. Consistency - with lifestyle of food choices, exercise, and my quiet time with Jesus
  • No change can happen if there are only a day or two of eating right. Or getting a workout in. Or even opening up my Bible to spend time with Jesus. It has to be consistent - even when I don't FEEL like it. 

2. Excelsior - What does that mean? It's Latin for "Ever Upward" or "Still Higher". So does that mean that I'm "rock bottom"? NO... it means I can always strive for more and move up higher to accomplish my goals and dreams.....and that's where I'm going from here!

What is your word/s for 2020 that you are wanting to live by? Do you think that they are just that - WORDS that sound good on January 1st, but fade by January 31st? Or.. does the word/s really set the tone for your year or life?  I think that it depends on your mindset to begin with. Are your intentions to be fully committed and really want to change, even when it's hard? OOOORRRR are they just mere words that sound good and the time and fall to the wayside after awhile?

Choice is yours...


Thursday, January 2, 2020

Happy 2020!!!

As I sit here on January 2, 2020 and trolling FaceBook posts about, "What are your goals for 2020?", "BE STRONG! Don't give up this time!", "I'm GONNA do it THIS year!"...and the list goes on and on and on...

I know there are gyms that are seeing a MAJOR influx of memberships from last week til about 2nd week of January(ish). I think that's great - however, this single Mama on a SERIOUS tight budget can think of ways I can get a workout at home and not cost a thing! Here are some examples of what I have been implementing into my day:

  • Going out for a walk/run
  • When weather is not freezing my bahoodum (I live in Wisconsin) - there is always YouTube and type in HIIT training (High Intensity Interval Training) that you can find with or without weights, low impact, etc... these are GREAT and most are only 30 min long - that's all you need with this bad boy!
  • Doing squats while doing the dishes
  • Dance while vacuuming
  • Leg Raises watching TV
  • Crunches during commercials
  • Push-ups when the crunches are done
  • Stretching in the morning before getting out of bed and before you go to bed
  • Calf Raises (where you go up/down on your tiptoes) while cooking your healthy, clean meal
This list is endless, but these are just a few ideas to get you started... JUST MOVE! I'm also learning that we have to be intentional with our choices...from planning out our meals for the day, exercise, water consumption (soooo very important! TRY for a gallon a day), getting enough rest (at least 8 hours), and meditating (whether that's Yoga, having your devotions with God, or just being STILL and QUIET)... it all goes hand in hand...

BE INTENTIONAL.... BE CONSISTENT... it's a mindset that has to be put into practice on the DAILY!

I'm on this journey WITH you... I am living out what I type here - it's hard, no doubt, but YOU are so worth the effort!