I'm sure that there are lots of people that have chosen their "word" for 2020... I've been trying to decide between 2 words and I think I'm going to claim BOTH of them! LOL
The two words that I want to focus on this year are:
1. Consistency - with lifestyle of food choices, exercise, and my quiet time with Jesus
- No change can happen if there are only a day or two of eating right. Or getting a workout in. Or even opening up my Bible to spend time with Jesus. It has to be consistent - even when I don't FEEL like it.
2. Excelsior - What does that mean? It's Latin for "Ever Upward" or "Still Higher". So does that mean that I'm "rock bottom"? NO... it means I can always strive for more and move up higher to accomplish my goals and dreams.....and that's where I'm going from here!
What is your word/s for 2020 that you are wanting to live by? Do you think that they are just that - WORDS that sound good on January 1st, but fade by January 31st? Or.. does the word/s really set the tone for your year or life? I think that it depends on your mindset to begin with. Are your intentions to be fully committed and really want to change, even when it's hard? OOOORRRR are they just mere words that sound good and the time and fall to the wayside after awhile?
Choice is yours...
Choice is yours...
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