Wednesday, December 16, 2020

Christmas in a Week???

 I sit here going through in my mind, the mental struggle this journey has been. I look back at what mental state that I was in to where I am now.

I started this weight loss journey on a serious effort May 2019 at the weight of 349 lbs. I then hired my Coach - Melanie Martin IFBB Pro - to take it to the next level in May 2020. I started with her at 289 lbs. I have then gotten down to 262 (currently at 264) and have lost 20 inches!!!! 

I have had a hard time mentally being strong to push through since July 2020, but still trying. In the past I would have just given up and said, heck with it all. But then I caught the bug of body building and wanting to compete. I hated runnin (which was what I was doing for exercise  - loved the community - hated the running aspect of it). Here, I feel powerful, strong, confident (in most areas). Where I am lacking is the mental game that this sport is - which to be honest, is the most important one of them all. I have to conquer my fears of failing. The self-doubt is real. Can I really do this? Am I mentally strong enough to get on stage? Can I be consistent with not only my meal plan, but my workouts that it's going to take to get me to the level that I want to achieve? 

My ultimate goal: Go to Ms. Olympia and WIN IT!

My first goal: Fat Loss

Then: Compete and win my class that qualifies me to go to Nationals

Then: Go to a National show and win my IFBB Pro Card

Then: Compete on Pro level - get sponsorships, possibly be a fitness model, etc.

Then: Qualify to go to Olympia

I know that this can be done - just going to take the mental toughness and consistency to get there. So what am I going to do to prepare me for all of this: 75 Hard. 75 Hard days of 2 a day workouts that are 45 min in length with one of them being outside, reading 10 pages of personal development book, drinking a gal of water daily, no sugar, no cheat meals, and... being honest about it - if I mess up one day - back to square one.

So, starting Dec. 28tth - I'm starting this with a few of my friends to help with accountability and support. They are competitors too (at least they've done 1 show).

Here is the latest progress pics... 

Top is May 1, 2020 when I started with Coach at 289

Bottom was Dec 10, 2020 at 266


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