Thursday, May 28, 2020

More Progress pics...

Hello and it's ALMOST JUNE!!! I can't believe how fast the time is really flying by!!!

How are we all doing out there? How are we coping being "pent-up"/quarantined? What have you been able to accomplish since being at home that you wouldn't have been able to accomplish otherwise? Was it home projects? Reading? Working out? Cooking favorite meals or even trying new ones? Being engaged with your kids - EVEN DURING HOMESCHOOLING? LOL 

ORRRRRR... has it been the mindset of being miserable? "I can't go anywhere?" "What am I supposed to do now!?" Eating has been uncontrollable...working out? What's that? Everyone on their devices?

I've chosen the first set. Meal prepping, working out, spending quality time with my son, doing a puzzle with him, teaching him how to cook basic things.... reading together... snuggling more....

I've spent this past month revamping my thinking or shall I say mindset on this health journey. Once I started to deal with being in my own head and working on the negative self-talk, it's been getting easier to make this change. Forgiving myself for things or choices that I made when I was younger and letting that go - SO FREEING! 

Do I still need to put in the work - YOU BET! Do I still need to meal plan/prep - ABSOLUTELY!

Here are the one month pics (actually 27 days) of progress.... on the left was May 1, 2020. On the right was May 27, 2020....


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