Wednesday, May 6, 2020

Motivating May!

Welcome to the month of MAY!!! Can you believe it?  How are we holding up during the quarantine? Still keeping up with your nutrition and movement/exercise??

I started or shall I say re-started a nutrition/meal plan. I actually hired a coach. Her name is Melanie Martin, IFBB Pro. Yes, she is an International Federation BodyBuilder Pro!!! I've decided to work towards becoming a competitor in a bikini comp in about 3-4 years. Right now, it's losing body fat, while building the lean muscle. Then, developing that muscle to have more definition.

Right now, I'm eating 5 small meals a day and working out 4x a week with my coach. The amazing thing is, that I started this new journey on Monday, May 4th and as of today, May 6th, I've already lost 2 pounds. Now I know that it is WAY to early for any real excitement in my weight/fat loss, but the fact that I'm being consistent with my eating and exercise is HUGE for me! I know that this will be a VERY LONG haul to get to the stage, but I KNOW that I can do it!

What are your goals that you can accomplish???

Leave a comment below!

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