Saturday, July 25, 2020

Mental Struggle... it is REAL!!!

This past week was a little bit of a mental struggle for me....

On Wednesday this past week, I was waiting for my coach to send me my new plan for the next 2 weeks. Well, because I didn't meal prep for up to Thursday, I decided to have a "cheat meal" for dinner.... a WHOLE MEDIUM THIN CRUST PIZZA!!! 😞😟😧😮😮😮😮

This was NOT good for me mentally. The rest of the night, I physically did NOT feel good at all! then the next day, itt was the day of mental anguish if you will. Beating myself up of "WHY did I do that"? "What were you thinking"? "Why are you sabotaging yourself like this after working soooooo hard to just get to where you are right now"? "Why are you paying your coach if you are not going to follow the plan that she has set before you and will help you succeed"? 

Then I received a great "surprise" in the mail... my Zyia Activewear leggings that I ordered. Now, the largest size they go up to is a size 20. I wear a 22/24. I bought them as incentive to get into them as they are super cute! Well, I tried them on just to see where I was at.  GUESS WHAT???!!! The purple LONG leggings fit! They are still prettttty snug on me, but I was able to work out in them!  Picture is below:

I also got a pair of turquoise blue capris that are just a little too snug, but will give me the push I needed to get back on track with my nutrition. Workouts have been great and haven't missed a day! So I know I will get there... 

Here are my progress pics... top is from when I started with my coach May 1, 2020 and the bottom pics are of my on July 20, 2020:

 One last thing that I want to leave you with....

Be well and be SAFE out there!

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