Sunday, August 9, 2020

Progress and Struggle...

 Yes, it has been a little bit since I last wrote... I've been on vacation in Kentucky to see old friends, that are actually more like family! I meal prepped, exercised, but I did have 2 HUGE treat meals in 10 days.... THIS people...IS NOT GOOD!!!

I failed to realize how much it would not only affect me physically, but mentally. In my mind, at the time, I was enjoying ONE meal. The rest of the time I was eating on plan, exercising - the whole nine.

HOWEVER.... looking back, if I was truly honest with myself... I was NOT on plan. Little snacks here and there at the lake. Oh one little handful of trail mix won't hurt. UH...but it did.

I gained weight, my measurements were at a plus, and I had to be honest with Coach.

So how do you recover from something like this??

I accept where I "oopsed" or "messed up" or even "failed" and we start with the VERY NEXT MEAL to get back on track nutritionally. 

But here's the hard part... MENTALLY. This is where the game really changes. Yes, I can meal prep for days and measure every morsel of food - which is important, but mentally is where the battle is. So... on my drive home to WI from KY, I was able to really think, soul search, and get myself "right" mentally for the long haul. Not just the next 2 weeks, but the long haul. I had to remember, "What is your dream"? I want to be on stage to compete. Then I need to do what it takes, NO MATTER WHAT to get there.  

I think the best plan for me in the long haul of things is to break it down 2 weeks at a time. Check in with Coach, get my new meal plan, prep, workout 100% with her and just focus on that time frame. Next thing I know, it's check in time again and a new meal plan! 

How can I help you on YOUR journey? Comment below...let me know you were here

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