Monday, September 21, 2020

Almost October....

 As I sit here on September 21st - I wanted to apologize for not keeping a better record of what's been going on and being able to document my journey to be a Wellness BodyBuilding competitor.  I can see that this is going to be a long, hard road, but going to be OH SO WORTH IT!

As you know, I have really struggled mentally this past summer. I don't know really WHY it has taken so long to get out of this "funk", but I have to get it together in order for me to push through and compete when I want to. My Coach says about 3 years...of course I'm too impatient to wait that long and want to do it in 2 years. WELLLLLLL, in order for me to do that, I need to get my head in the game and stop playin' around! I need to get serious about my diet - the workouts - and just mentally getting stronger.

The workouts have been great! I've been pushing myself to go hard - I've even increased my weights to 10 lbs each side vs. only 8's - so this is great! Now, I need to push myself on the nutrition level. I'm meal prepping and doing all of that, but I've noticed that I'm "snacking" on things that are not on plan. 

Confession time: about 2 weeks ago, my Mama was in the hospital (she's ok now and at home) and I was taking care of my Dad (he has Alzheimer's that's advancing quicker than what we would like of course)... I found myself eating SOOOO off plan - a CAN of Pringles in one sitting!!! Handful of Wheat Thins here and there... more potato chips here and there... it ALL adds up! I was emotional/stress eating!! Even when I recognized that I was doing this - I KEPT GOING! WHAT??!!! WHY???? 

SO - Coach and I talked and got my head back in the game. I committed to being strict on my plan for 2 whole weeks. I also committed to push myself to the uncomfortable in the workouts - and I have. 

I haven't posted progress pics in a while, so here they are:

Very bottom is May 1, 2020...
Middle was 2 weeks ago Sept 2, 2020...
Top is Sept 16, 2020.
Here we go for another 2 weeks....
#NutritionIsKey #FutureWellnessCompetitor #FitAt50AndBeyond #MomsWhoLift #FitnessGoals #SweatIsFatCrying #SlowButSure

Let me know how I can encourage you on your journey!!! Comment below to let me know you were here!

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