Monday, July 22, 2024

Almost August...

This month has been a busy one! I sold my house in KY - FINALLY!! What a stressful nightmare that had been! Just so glad that is over with! Now, on to BIGGER and BETTER chapter of life to come!

We moved back to WI to take care of my aging parents, have my son be with his besties to go through high school with, working PT to keep me busy, but also allows me more time to be able to be in the gym! I've got goals to crush!

Once I changed how I saw myself and what I wanted for my future, I began to have the resolve of things that are non-negotiables.  These items being: drinking all my water, eating on plan, and working out (getting some type of movement in). 

Here are the results of ONE WEEK:  -5.4 lbs and 4"!!!  The last pics below is from Jan1 and then today...

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