Saturday, February 24, 2018

Seeing a CHANGE....

Well, I sit here on a Saturday afternoon.... FREEZING, which is different for me here in N. CA.

I am EXCITED to report, that since JAN. 1, 2018, I have LOST 20 pounds AAAAAAAND 13.5" overall!!! WHAT???

This is such an encouragement to my heart and I hope that it can be to yours. I KNOW that it's hard and a struggle on a daily basis... but what I'm remembering is: I am learning to LOVE MYSELF. Not in an arrogant or self-absorbed kind of way. But one of self-care and really loving WHO I AM as a person and everything that makes me... ME.

I want to challenge you to find 10 things that you like/love about yourself! Write them down. Post them on the bathroom mirror. In one month, review that list and I challenge you to add 5 MORE things to add to that list. Do this every month and see what happens!

You will be AMAZED at your inner transformation, while you are working on the outside one.