Thursday, March 4, 2021

March Madness....

 It's ALREADY March!!! This year is just FLYING by! The snow is FINALLY melting away - even though the temps are ok - but that wind - SHOOO WHEEE!!! THAT can stop ANY day now! I'm so ready for Spring - who else is over the cold?

There have been many things happening lately - 

  • In the beginning stages of writing a book
  • Starting a YouTube channel about health, fitness, lifestyle, my weight loss journey to get to stage to compete in body building
  • Completing several projects to be able to help others on their journey

So in that process, I have failed to keep up with my blogging here and I do so apologize! I want to be as real and transparent as I can be, in order to help others live their authentic life.  Once I get everything set up and ready to go on my YouTube channel, I will let y'all know!

Yesterday was check-in day with Coach and it didn't go very well... I lost only 2.2 pounds (in 2 weeks) and gained inches - NOT the direction I wanted to be headed in. BUT I'm on it for the next 2 weeks to get down - I'm COMMITTED to getting closer to 240 these next 2 weeks... 

THIS is a difficult journey. Hardest thing I've EVER had to do - and I have to keep my self-talk to the positive and reminding myself daily that I am worth the effort of being healthy.