Wednesday, July 26, 2017

Overall Health

I have been posting about health and the body. Today I would like to talk about not just physical health, but total body health.

There is physical, spiritual, and emotional healing that takes place when eating clean, exercising, and being in tune with your body. 

A journey of health is just that - a journey. It is filled with exploring, wandering, victories, and moments of having to retrace your steps to back on track. 

My prayer is that in the moments when you feel like giving up, you will instead lean on the strength of God to pull you through. Remember, He is more dedicated to seeing you succeed than you are. Health was HIS idea from the very beginning. He made your body, soul, and spirit - those three parts of your being that are all connected - when they are healthy and in harmony with each other. 

Don't be afraid to start small. Take baby steps and you will find that you will experience victories!


Friday, July 14, 2017

Adrenal Fatigue....

Some of you know, but some of you may not... I am dealing with adrenal fatigue. Many people have asked me, "What exactly does that mean? What do the adrenals glands do?"... Well... here is an explanation of what I am needing and in the process of doing...

I have been experiencing strange symptoms kicking in, like laying wide awake in bed at night, not waking up rested (ever), waking up in the middle of the night to pee, or not being able to complete your sentences with ease.

However, the ones we have the most control over are the stress hormones:

Adrenaline and Norepinephrine

These are the short-term stress hormones. They are released in a state of ‘fight or flight’ or an emergency to help you survive. For example, if you’ve ever had a car swerve at you and nearly hit you, you’ve probably experienced the sensation of a racing heart, breathing heavily and reacting extremely quickly. Adrenaline and norepinephrine make sure to release a quick supply of glucose and oxygen to your brain and limbs, where energy is required the most. In order to deliver those substances to your brain and muscles quickly, your heart rate, blood pressure and breathing rate are all sped up.


This is the long-term stress hormone and it becomes elevated when you’re in a state of chronic stress. Essentially, it is cortisol’s job to regulate other functions in the body in response to that stress, such as blood sugar, metabolism, immune system, blood pressure and more.
Some stress is normal, and for that reason cortisol peaks during the day and then starts to decline in the evening closer towards bedtime. Unfortunately, when you’re in a state of chronic stress your cortisol levels will be elevated higher than normal, and will also struggle to decline in the evening.

What is Adrenal Fatigue?

If you stare at a screen for 12 hours a day, you’ll get headaches and your vision will worsen over time. Why? Because you wore out your eyes by putting so much strain on them all the time.
Similarly, if you’re constantly stressed you will put a lot of strain on your adrenal glands, and they will get worn out and not be able to perform as well. Eventually, you’ll reach the point where your adrenal glands cannot produce cortisol as efficiently anymore, and you’ll need stimulants to prop yourself up during the day, whether it’s coffee, tea, sugary foods or just a lot of carbs to give you energy to get through the day.

So, how do we reverse this damage?

Progressive Relaxation

  1. Lie down on your back on a yoga mat or your bed
  2. Contract a muscle group forcefully for a period of 1-2 seconds and then let is relax completely
  3. Systematically go through all the muscle groups in your body i.e. face, neck, shoulder, arms (from top to bottom)
  4. Repeat this 2-3 times in total

Deep Breathing

  1. Find a comfortable and quiet place to sit down
  2. Place your feet slightly apart. Place on hand on your belly button, the other on your chest.
  3. Inhale with your nose and exhale through your mouth
  4. Inhale for a count of four – hold for 2 – release for 6
  5. Feel your belly rise and fall
  6. Repeat as many times as needed

Stress-busting Ideas

  • Go for walk breaks at work, or long morning walks
  • Meditate 
  • Yoga (if you’re burnt out, aim for yin restorative yoga vs. power yoga)
  • Write in a journal for 5 minutes each day (a gratitude journal helps reduce anxiety)
  • Take out a few hours a week to enjoy a hobby or interest
  • Start coloring
  • Do some gardening
  • Go for a monthly massage
  • Take a bath with essential oils, Epsom salts or a bath bomb
  • Get lost in a fiction book
  • Hang out with old friends who know you the best
  • If the gym is stressful for you, do a dance class or go for a swim
  • Do nothing (I know, crazy right?)
  • Use essential oils
The Adrenal Fatigue Diet
  • The following scents are excellent for stress relief: lavender, vanilla, ylang ylang, rose, chamomile, lemon balm
  • Smell receptors in the body connect to the brain’s limbic system (the area responsible for emotions); this is the reason aromatherapy is used for relaxation
    • Vitamin C
      • Found in: papaya, pineapple, strawberries, bell peppers, broccoli, oranges
      • Supplement dosage: 1000mg daily (or up to 5-6g daily in divided doses)
    • Vitamin B5
      • Found in: legumes, cauliflower, broccoli, salmon, sweet potatoes, tomatoes
      • Supplement dosage: B-100 complex daily
    • Vitamin B6
      • Found in: turkey, grass-fed beef, avocado, pistachio nuts, pinto beans
      • Supplement dosage: B-100 complex daily
    • Zinc
      • Found in: pumpkin seeds, dark chocolate, garlic, sesame seeds, chickpeas
      • Supplement dosage: 15-30mg
    • Magnesium
      • Found in: dark leafy greens, avocado, pumpkin seeds, dark chocolate, banana, almonds
      • Supplement dosage: magnesium bisglycinate 200mg daily
     So, if you are experiencing any of these symptoms, I encourage you to do some research, see your Dr. and start reversing it naturally - like I am slowly doing.

Here's to our health!

Monday, July 3, 2017

The Skinny Obession...

Hello! I'm sorry that I have been MIA for a couple of weeks. Life happens, but we are back!

Today, we'll be talking about the SKINNY OBSESSION that we all have in this society. 

Young girls are punishing their bodies for what they think society says is beautiful. If they don't feel beautiful, they get teased in school, or some traumatic events happen in their lives, they choose to either NOT eat or binge/purge. THIS is NOT ok. The ache in their stomach takes distracts them from the pain in their hearts.

How can we have our children have healthier self-esteem or self-worth, so they do not end up like us, adults, with these issues? Psalm 18:24 says, "God rewrote the text of my life when I opened the book of my heart to His eyes."  We introduce our kids, boys and girls, to how beautiful they are and to the One Who created them - to give them a healthy self-confidence. 

Teaching and even us re-learning how to eat healthy, clean - the way God intended us to be - will give each and every one of us a healthy emotional heart and mind. 

We need to stop obsessing over what society thinks is beautiful or being the "it" person. Being comfortable in our own skin - whatever that may look like at this moment - is vital. If you are NOT comfortable in your skin, make a plan to change it in a HEALTHY way. Ask God for direction and help in where HE wants you to be.