Saturday, September 16, 2023

Almost October??? REALLY????

 I can't believe that it's ALMOST OCTOBER ALREADY and I haven't posted since June??? What the what???!!!

Well, let's just say that there has been a lot happening since I last time I posted! This summer was difficult mentally, where I wanted to give up COMPLETELY on myself and not look back. Family issues (Daddy has Alzheimer's and declining pretty quickly and Mama is physically slowing down) to being a single Mama of a 13 yr old boy - it's been mentally/emotionally taxing! But I KNOW that I'm not the only one in this universe that has multiple things going on at the same time and even more difficult circumstances than I do. Point is - I CANNOT GIVE UP ON MYSELF!!

I've had to  A LOT of soul searching to come up with the resolve that I need to do this for my health - not to just compete in bodybuilding - but just be healthy and be around for my son. The stage will be there and I just need to focus on being the BEST version of myself at all times.