Tuesday, September 26, 2017

Getting through the hard stuff....

Yes, it has been about a month since I have written. LIFE IS CRAZY!!! It's not easy being a parent, let alone, a single parent.

Between raising my son, caring for my declining parents (Dad has dementia/Alzheimers), being Women's Ministry/Outreach/Marketing Director at my church, volunteer in my son's school, son playing soccer (so soccer practice 2x a week and a game EVERY SATURDAY), and whatever other hat I may have to wear - it is very difficult to have time to myself. I have to make time for myself - keep myself motivated and more importantly, believing in myself. I have to keep reminding myself that I AM WORTH MAKING TIME FOR. I make time and there for everyone else, so why not be there for me? Hmmm...

Who are you there for? Are you making time for yourself? Do you realize that you are worth the investment?

Start believing and face whatever fears that are before you... YOU ARE WORTH THE EFFORT!

Thursday, September 7, 2017

Being Transparent....

It has been a few days since I've last written. It's been a crazy time with my brother from WI flying in, my parents 50th WEDDING ANNIVERSARY this Saturday, and dealing with motivation to stay on track.

I've been doing some thinking about why it is so hard for me to either follow through or stay motivated. I belong to SEVERAL fitness and clean eating groups on Facebook and Instagram, but for some reason when it gets "hard" or I hit a "roadblock" I give up.

After doing some reflection, I have found that I do not believe in myself or feel/think that I am worth it. I go to the ends of the earth for my friends and my family - I believe in them - their biggest cheerleader. They are worth spending time with and worth time and attention. Then why is it so hard to believe that I'm worth it? Why is it hard to believe in myself? Is it due to YEARS of people treating me that I'm not worth their time, or efforts? After experiencing this time and time again, one would start believing it.

I KNOW this to be true for me. No matter how hard I try to push through, when it comes down to it, I give up on myself. It is HARD for me to stay motivated and to "grind" when it gets hard or requiring discipline. WHY? BELIEF and WORTH.

So today is the first day of changing the negative tapes in my head saying that I'm not worth it. THIS WILL NOT be an easy road AT ALL! But I will get there... one day and one positive thought and belief at a time.