Monday, August 29, 2016

Ups and Downs....

Life is a series of ups and downs. For the past 2 months I've been in a down. I saw my coach Karen and we were able to talk some things through. We took pictures, weighed in...when I saw my pics, I was MORTIFIED!!!! I had not only gained the weight I worked so hard to lose, but GAINED some more!!!!

At first I felt defeated, but had to get a different perspective on it. I had to come to grips that because I was in this downward spiral, it would only be natural to gain my weight PLUS some - as I was not doing what I was supposed to be doing. THIS is my consequence. But I WILL NOT beat myself up about it. I just start over....starting TODAY! Back on 21 Day Fix program, doing my exercises, runs, etc...

Life is going to have its ups and downs ALL THE TIME! How we handle those ups and downs is so crucial to our journey. I'm not saying that we are going to handle life perfectly all the time...but if we stay focused on what our goal is and realize that THIS journey is not over until we die. Food choices and whatever activity we choose to do - it's a LIFESTYLE - not a diet or just something we do to lose's to be HEALTHY! 

So when life throws you curve balls, and it will, how will you handle it? How will you navigate your ups and downs?

Wednesday, August 17, 2016

Stop Procrastinating....

Here I son started his 1st grade year of school today and I'm SITTING here. I'm looking at my calendar and looking at when I can get my runs in.  I do know that on Mon, Wed, and Fri (for now), I can be a part of the C25K group. I can also use the time that Lincoln is in school to go for my runs...drop him off, then go on my runs.

I can also get some cross training in by doing Beachbody DVD's in the morning, before Lincoln gets up in the morning.  THAT is the plan... but can I start Friday? Tomorrow is my 46th birthday, but then again, why wait for the next day when I can get a "jump start" on this new plan.

I need to stop procrastinating and JUST DO IT! Be a NIKE and JUST DO IT! That's all any of us can do....Get up! Get out! and Just Do It!!!

Keep Pushing....

Sunday, August 7, 2016

Getting back into the groove....

Since July was a COMPLETE bust of getting miles in, I am back into the swing of getting my mojo back.

Friday was 2.69 miles, Sat was 1.27 miles, and tonight, I plan on doing at least 2 mi.

Here's to getting back into the groove...feels good to be back...

Friday, August 5, 2016

New month....NEW attitude

As stated in my previous post, I only ran 4.5 miles for the MONTH of July.... this was NOT good!
However, with some perspective and rest, I was able to get out TODAY and do 2.69 miles... IT FELT SOOOOOO GOOD!!!! I forgot how I felt after every run/walk -

Even with a month off - sometimes that's needed to recover, rejuvinate, and get back on the grind of your goals...but the key is to NOT stay off course.

So today - we celebrate getting back on track and get back on with my clean eating's to detoxing and getting back on plan...

Wednesday, August 3, 2016

Pushing through...

July has been a VERY HARD month for me, for some reason. I had the desire to get out and run and eat clean, but NO motivation or anything to push through. I ran a total of 4.5 miles - FOR THE WHOLE MONTH!!! THIS is NOT good!!!

So it's August - a brand new month, with a brand new attitude and perspective. I have to get back on track - my health is to important. I can definitely tell the difference - I feel more lethargic and even though I haven't stepped on a scale - I'm sure that I've gained weight back. Going on vacation in the south is NOT helpful, but I've got to get my running/fitness mojo back.

So I say all this to say - no matter how we may feel, going through, or all the other 1000's of excuses we can come up with - we have to push through in order to stay on track. It's hard to be 100% focused - 100% of the time. So if you do find yourself losing your mojo, just know you are not alone and to push through those feelings.

I have to start all over again - in a way - to get back on track...