Saturday, May 11, 2019

Getting into the training....

So I sit here, the day before Mother's Day at 10:25pm - BEGGING my 9 yr old son to GO TO BED!

Anyways.... I'm excited to say that THIS WEEK, I've been able to stay on plan with my eating, menu planning, and prepping - as much as I can... :) We're getting there!!!

As far as marathon training... I'm dealing with a IT Band injury and something else... in my right leg... it's crazy!! I go to physical therapy (PT) on May 20th - so I hope that I'll be able to really hit it this summer... I'm interested in hearing what the PT has to say and how quick I can get this resolved.

December is right around the corner and I feel like I'm so very far behind where I want to be at this point... All I can do is do the best that I can do...

My goal for the marathon is to: 1. finish, 2. cross the finish line upright, and 3. feel good at the end.  With those things in mind, all I can do is my best and BE CONSISTENT in my nutrition and my training...which includes cross-training...

I'll post pics as I go on this journey and glad you are coming with me...

Wednesday, May 1, 2019

A new month...

Well, a month has passed and I am ALMOST to my first real goal of being under 300 pounds!!! I am only 2 pounds away - so I'm hoping that I can reach that this next week! What a glorious day that will be....

I am noticing that living the vegan lifestyle is a lot more difficult than I had anticipated. I have cut back on the meat that I used to eat - just fish and 99% fat free turkey... then it's been great to see how more veggies have made their way into my diet and how much better I am feeling!!!

It may not be a fast or quick solution, but it takes time to un-do damage that was done for 40+ years!

Do your best in the choices that you make... incorporate more raw fruits and veggies... and cut back and eventually eliminate sugar and processed food...

You'll thank me in your future...

You're welcome...

How can I support y'all?