Wednesday, December 16, 2020

Christmas in a Week???

 I sit here going through in my mind, the mental struggle this journey has been. I look back at what mental state that I was in to where I am now.

I started this weight loss journey on a serious effort May 2019 at the weight of 349 lbs. I then hired my Coach - Melanie Martin IFBB Pro - to take it to the next level in May 2020. I started with her at 289 lbs. I have then gotten down to 262 (currently at 264) and have lost 20 inches!!!! 

I have had a hard time mentally being strong to push through since July 2020, but still trying. In the past I would have just given up and said, heck with it all. But then I caught the bug of body building and wanting to compete. I hated runnin (which was what I was doing for exercise  - loved the community - hated the running aspect of it). Here, I feel powerful, strong, confident (in most areas). Where I am lacking is the mental game that this sport is - which to be honest, is the most important one of them all. I have to conquer my fears of failing. The self-doubt is real. Can I really do this? Am I mentally strong enough to get on stage? Can I be consistent with not only my meal plan, but my workouts that it's going to take to get me to the level that I want to achieve? 

My ultimate goal: Go to Ms. Olympia and WIN IT!

My first goal: Fat Loss

Then: Compete and win my class that qualifies me to go to Nationals

Then: Go to a National show and win my IFBB Pro Card

Then: Compete on Pro level - get sponsorships, possibly be a fitness model, etc.

Then: Qualify to go to Olympia

I know that this can be done - just going to take the mental toughness and consistency to get there. So what am I going to do to prepare me for all of this: 75 Hard. 75 Hard days of 2 a day workouts that are 45 min in length with one of them being outside, reading 10 pages of personal development book, drinking a gal of water daily, no sugar, no cheat meals, and... being honest about it - if I mess up one day - back to square one.

So, starting Dec. 28tth - I'm starting this with a few of my friends to help with accountability and support. They are competitors too (at least they've done 1 show).

Here is the latest progress pics... 

Top is May 1, 2020 when I started with Coach at 289

Bottom was Dec 10, 2020 at 266


Thursday, December 3, 2020

December.... ALREADY????

 How is it December already and I have noticed that I did not post at all in the month of NOV!!! WHAT??? Was I THAT busy or consumed by life to not post?

Itt was a crazy month and emotions were and are all over the map it seems. I'm learning how to handle the emotional side of eating and being healthy. To change one's behaviors from a negative to a positive is taking more time than I liked. It is a continuing process of changing life long habits. 

I will try to do better in posting - it has been an emotional month of Nov, but still need to document my journey of being morbidly obese to competition stage...

Wednesday, October 28, 2020


 Progress Report...

Top is today: October 28, 2020
Bottom: May 1, 2020

More inches lost than weight, but my composition is changing!! These past 2 weeks I was NOT 100% on plan, didn't give my all in the workouts, & didn't get all my daily water in. I can't expect change if I don't change my habits and trust the process. I trust my Coach @exl7bcamp, but wrestling with trusting myself. I'm a work in progress... I CAN DO HARD THINGS!!! I am a LADYBOSS!💪🔥💥
#GoalsToCrush #FutureWellnessCompetitor👙👙 #HardWork #LoveMyCoach #ProgressNotPerfection #NutritionIsKey #Nutrition #HealthyMama #MomsWhoLift

This is NOT an easy road to travel - NO WAY - NO SIR! But we all have to start somewhere. I have to keep reminding myself that the longer I sabotage my eating/workouts, the longer it's going to take to get on stage to compete. Here's to the next 2 weeks!

Friday, October 16, 2020


 Here it is in the middle of October already! TIME JUST FLIES BY!!!  

I did my progress pics for my Coach this past Wed and in the past 2 weeks, I've lost 12.2 pounds!! WHAT THE WHAT???!!!

I just have to stay on this path, eat what is on plan, workout and give my all in the workouts and it WILL pay off. I have to be patient (yeah, that's a hard one for me), TRUST the PROCESS, and TRUST my Coach!

Here are the pics: 

The top was taken this past Wed, Oct. 14th and the bottom is when I started with my Coach - May 1, 2020. Before I started with my coach, I was doing the LadyBoss program and lost 60 pounds in a year. I hired Coach Melanie Martin, IFBB Pro to take me to the next level. I then caught the bug of being on stage to compete in a competition - WELLNESS. 

This Blog is to document my journey - the good, the bad, the ugly - all here. 

Trust the process.... YOU CAN DO IT!

Wednesday, October 7, 2020


 Can you believe that it's October already?? HOLY MOLY CANOLI!!! 

Well, I went to CA this past weekend to surprise my bestie for her wedding... WHAT A TIME WE HAD!!! 

However, with all that good time, came bad eating choices. But I knew going in that I was not going to be eating on plan. 

When I got home, I sure enough had gained weight from that weekend - but again, NOT surprised by it at all.

So, went grocery shopping, meal prepped, and staying on plan - let's see where these next 2 weeks take me! I'm ready to shred this fat and get busy changing my body composition.

Here are the progress pics and other things to help those that may be struggling....

Monday, September 21, 2020

Almost October....

 As I sit here on September 21st - I wanted to apologize for not keeping a better record of what's been going on and being able to document my journey to be a Wellness BodyBuilding competitor.  I can see that this is going to be a long, hard road, but going to be OH SO WORTH IT!

As you know, I have really struggled mentally this past summer. I don't know really WHY it has taken so long to get out of this "funk", but I have to get it together in order for me to push through and compete when I want to. My Coach says about 3 years...of course I'm too impatient to wait that long and want to do it in 2 years. WELLLLLLL, in order for me to do that, I need to get my head in the game and stop playin' around! I need to get serious about my diet - the workouts - and just mentally getting stronger.

The workouts have been great! I've been pushing myself to go hard - I've even increased my weights to 10 lbs each side vs. only 8's - so this is great! Now, I need to push myself on the nutrition level. I'm meal prepping and doing all of that, but I've noticed that I'm "snacking" on things that are not on plan. 

Confession time: about 2 weeks ago, my Mama was in the hospital (she's ok now and at home) and I was taking care of my Dad (he has Alzheimer's that's advancing quicker than what we would like of course)... I found myself eating SOOOO off plan - a CAN of Pringles in one sitting!!! Handful of Wheat Thins here and there... more potato chips here and there... it ALL adds up! I was emotional/stress eating!! Even when I recognized that I was doing this - I KEPT GOING! WHAT??!!! WHY???? 

SO - Coach and I talked and got my head back in the game. I committed to being strict on my plan for 2 whole weeks. I also committed to push myself to the uncomfortable in the workouts - and I have. 

I haven't posted progress pics in a while, so here they are:

Very bottom is May 1, 2020...
Middle was 2 weeks ago Sept 2, 2020...
Top is Sept 16, 2020.
Here we go for another 2 weeks....
#NutritionIsKey #FutureWellnessCompetitor #FitAt50AndBeyond #MomsWhoLift #FitnessGoals #SweatIsFatCrying #SlowButSure

Let me know how I can encourage you on your journey!!! Comment below to let me know you were here!

Friday, September 4, 2020


 WOW!!! September already!!! TIME is FLYING by!

How are we doing out there? I know that the last couple of my posts have been about this mental block or wall that I hit and REALLY struggled with.  I have a tendency to be so impatient! I feel like a turtle in my progress, as I want to be fit and cut (ready for stage) RIGHT NOW!!! However, I also know that I didn't get this size overnight either.

I have to trust the process. I have to trust my Coach. I need to remember to ENJOY the journey - even when it's hard.  So as it starts a new month, I have a NEW MINDSET. Be thankful - there is ALWAYS something that I can be thankful for. 

I'm thankful for movement today and the ability to get up and yes...even meal prep! :). What are YOU thankful for? What is YOUR mindset for this month?

Share in the comments below - I would LOVE to hear from you!

Monday, August 24, 2020

August has been a TOUGH month...

 As I'm reflecting on this past month - emotionally and mentally has been a brutal one! I don't know what happened or what the real issue was/is, but it has been hard to stay focused and "on point" with the nutrition and workouts...

I think it all started when I went on vacation and had a "treat meal"... it totally threw my game off for some reason. It was NOT my first treat meal by any means, but just the mindset was maybe off to get back on plan the next day.

Today's workout I was motivated, positive mindset, ready to rock it out and COMPLETE the workout with Coach.  I completed the first block (out of 3 usually) and then I started to feel nauseous and light headed (like I was going to pass out). I had to stop. THEN the discouragement and frustration kicked in.  I was trying not to have negative self talk, but MAN is it hard NOT to do!

What do YOU do to get out of a funk/mental block? I'm trying and I know that Rome was NOT built in a day, so neither will my body. I know this is part of my journey, but dang it! I hate feeling like I'm back-tracking or slowing down my progress... I LOVE seeing those GAINS of inches being lost every 2 weeks and seeing my body change.

Y'all pray for me and leave some tips on how to push through the frustration... 💕💗💕💗

Sunday, August 16, 2020

Back Into the Grind...

 It's been a few weeks since I have posted.... 

I have been in a weird, funky place mentally and having some difficulty snapping out of it for some reason. Normally, I deal with whatever the issue is and keep it movin'  - HUSTLIN'

But not these past 2 weeks. I don't know if I just hit a MINOR wall? My 50th birthday coming up and living in a state that I'm not real happy to be in at the moment? Feeling isolated? Is it hormones? Feeling/being tired all the time (or at least feels like it)? 

But here's the thing - I've been here for almost a year with the same circumstances, why is it affecting me these past 2 weeks? 

All I know is, I better get my act together and get it going! I have goals to slay! I have dreams to be reality! I have a vision for myself and where I am sitting right NOT it!

Has anyone else hit that wall and if so, how did you overcome it mentally to get back in the game?

I need some adjustments and encouragement to get through this spot... 

Sunday, August 9, 2020

Progress and Struggle...

 Yes, it has been a little bit since I last wrote... I've been on vacation in Kentucky to see old friends, that are actually more like family! I meal prepped, exercised, but I did have 2 HUGE treat meals in 10 days.... THIS people...IS NOT GOOD!!!

I failed to realize how much it would not only affect me physically, but mentally. In my mind, at the time, I was enjoying ONE meal. The rest of the time I was eating on plan, exercising - the whole nine.

HOWEVER.... looking back, if I was truly honest with myself... I was NOT on plan. Little snacks here and there at the lake. Oh one little handful of trail mix won't hurt. UH...but it did.

I gained weight, my measurements were at a plus, and I had to be honest with Coach.

So how do you recover from something like this??

I accept where I "oopsed" or "messed up" or even "failed" and we start with the VERY NEXT MEAL to get back on track nutritionally. 

But here's the hard part... MENTALLY. This is where the game really changes. Yes, I can meal prep for days and measure every morsel of food - which is important, but mentally is where the battle is. So... on my drive home to WI from KY, I was able to really think, soul search, and get myself "right" mentally for the long haul. Not just the next 2 weeks, but the long haul. I had to remember, "What is your dream"? I want to be on stage to compete. Then I need to do what it takes, NO MATTER WHAT to get there.  

I think the best plan for me in the long haul of things is to break it down 2 weeks at a time. Check in with Coach, get my new meal plan, prep, workout 100% with her and just focus on that time frame. Next thing I know, it's check in time again and a new meal plan! 

How can I help you on YOUR journey? Comment below...let me know you were here

Saturday, July 25, 2020

Mental Struggle... it is REAL!!!

This past week was a little bit of a mental struggle for me....

On Wednesday this past week, I was waiting for my coach to send me my new plan for the next 2 weeks. Well, because I didn't meal prep for up to Thursday, I decided to have a "cheat meal" for dinner.... a WHOLE MEDIUM THIN CRUST PIZZA!!! 😞😟😧😮😮😮😮

This was NOT good for me mentally. The rest of the night, I physically did NOT feel good at all! then the next day, itt was the day of mental anguish if you will. Beating myself up of "WHY did I do that"? "What were you thinking"? "Why are you sabotaging yourself like this after working soooooo hard to just get to where you are right now"? "Why are you paying your coach if you are not going to follow the plan that she has set before you and will help you succeed"? 

Then I received a great "surprise" in the mail... my Zyia Activewear leggings that I ordered. Now, the largest size they go up to is a size 20. I wear a 22/24. I bought them as incentive to get into them as they are super cute! Well, I tried them on just to see where I was at.  GUESS WHAT???!!! The purple LONG leggings fit! They are still prettttty snug on me, but I was able to work out in them!  Picture is below:

I also got a pair of turquoise blue capris that are just a little too snug, but will give me the push I needed to get back on track with my nutrition. Workouts have been great and haven't missed a day! So I know I will get there... 

Here are my progress pics... top is from when I started with my coach May 1, 2020 and the bottom pics are of my on July 20, 2020:

 One last thing that I want to leave you with....

Be well and be SAFE out there!

Tuesday, July 21, 2020

Time does NOT stand still...

Well, here it is... almost to the end of July already!!! Where has the time gone??? It feels like this year is whizzing by and so much changing...

It feels/seems like the world is changing all around me, except my body. I see changes, don't get me wrong, but maybe it's not at the pace that I want it at. Of course, we would all love to have what we want or desire, like yesterday. But I know that this will take time to get the body/health that I want for myself.

I didn't put this weight on overnight...can't take it off overnight. I think I've stated in previous posts that I get so frustrated at myself for allowing myself to get to the point of being morbidly obese. VERY unhealthy. How is that fair to my son? How is that fair to my family? How is that fair to me?

Well, I have taken steps in order to change all that. Since May 2019, I have lost 82 pounds. Since hiring my coach in May 2020,  I have lost 15" over my whole body and 19 pounds! There's the start I needed. 

I just wish that time would slow down a bit and not make me feel so rushed or anxious to get this weight off to get on stage... but I KNOW that this is NOT a sprint, but a marathon... slow and steady... UGH! I hate being patient! LOL...

Thursday, July 16, 2020

The Struggle is REAL!

As I am looking at pictures of myself from way back in the day and progressing through time, I noticed that the bigger I got, the sadder my eyes became.  Oh sure, I had smiles on my face, laughing, carrying on like I was having a good time (and at that particular time, I was - in the moment).

But in the quiet of the night, when I am faced to be alone with my thoughts, feelings, and just WHO I AM as a person... I was very unhappy. Depressed. LOW to NO self-esteem or care for myself. 

This journey that I have been on for the last 100 years (or so it feels like), it has been quite a process to get to where I am today. 

Do I like the way I look right now? NO, but I am much better than where I was even a year ago! Do I have a long way to go to be where I want/desire to be? HECK YES!! 

The struggle comes when I get "snacky", lonely, caught in my own thoughts and I just want to eat....

BUUUUTTTTT... sometimes I cave into it - but it's MUCH better than what it was, but still not on plan that Coach has given me to follow... 


How can I encourage you on your journey?

Saturday, July 11, 2020


There are a few things that I have realized while on this journey of fat loss and re-shaping my body...

**I LITERALLY dream about being on stage EVERY night... I know that I'm a ways off, but I guess I like to know what I'm working for... and right's shredding this blasted fat... UGH... I guess I get so mad at myself for getting this big and damaging my body the way I I've mistreated it, abused it, and took it for granted. BUT today is a new day and from where I started 2 mo ago 'til today - I FEEL and starting to look like a new person...

**This is a marathon...not a sprint to get to where I want to be and accomplish. 

**It's hard to be patient when you can see the end result of where you want to be.

**I have to trust my coach and trust the process that she has me on...

**And I need to relax and ENJOY the journey...

These things are all so hard to keep in mind while going through it - self gratification - I want it NOW - not 2-3 years from now... Patience is NOT my biggest asset ...

Progress pics below... from May 1st to July 7th:

Thursday, July 2, 2020

Hard couple of days....

Has anyone ever had a patch of days where it seems like the day NEVER ends? I know I have - considering I'm just finishing my 3 day streak here!

I sit here and as I write this, I mentally preparing myself to workout. It was supposed to be at 9am this morning, but due to unforeseen circumstances, I was not able to be home or have my workout "gear" with me. I also have needed to meal prep these past 2-3 days. I've been making as good of choices with nutrition as I can, but there are the "slip-ups" in there... I'm trying not to be mad at myself for making those choices, as I could've said no to myself on some items. But when the urge/feeling/neurotic "THING" that is happening inside each of us during stressful times, OVERRIDES our common senseabilities, it's a hard thing to overcome.

I just know that I WILL get up, get my movement/lifting on, then meal prep for the next 4-5 days... I want/need to be back on plan with my very next meal. I constantly have to think of my goals and what I'm trying to accomplish to get through the stressful eating times.

What do you do to overcome these moments? How do you handle your stress/emotional/out of control eating habits? What do we tell ourselves before/during/after the eating?

We should be loving ourselves - not beating ourselves up over it. Before, TRY to have a game plan - and I'M PREACHING TO MYSELF AS WELL when I say that! During, if it comes across as to "why are you doing this?", then put the food down, stop, and give yourself ONE word that will trigger your why you are getting your health back... mine is either GOALS or BIKINI. You chose what will trigger it for you. Then, you get back on plan THE VERY NEXT MEAL...