Tuesday, October 31, 2023

November 1, 2023

 As it's the first day of the month, so many people, including myself, always state, "NEW MONTH. NEW MINDSET. NEW PLAN" or something to that affect. I'm guilty of it myself - MANY MANY TIMES.

But I'm seeing for myself, that it doesn't matter what day of the week or month you are at, pick THAT day and just do it! It's all in the mindset! I've noticed that most of my posts here lately have been dealing with mindset. So apparently, I've been dealing with this topic for quite some time! I know that it will finally "click" with me - but it all starts in just setting my mind to workout that day. Or eating "on plan" or just eating clean. One day at a time. One meal at a time. One workout at a time. 

I've been reading a book by Gary Foster, PhD titled "The Shift" and it deals with 7 shifts in our mind to be able to conquer the negativity in our mental vocabulary. I'm writing them down and putting them on my bathroom mirror to remind myself daily of these positive changes to my internal dialogue. The next book I'm reading is by David Goggins, "Can't Hurt Me: Master Your Mind and Defy the Odds". THAT one is going to be a powerful one and looking forward to diving in!

We all know that this journey is NOT an easy one. You know the line:  If it was easy.... EVERYONE WOULD BE DOING IT - Right?!  But each of us has our own path, pace, and changes to go through in order to be healthy: mentally, physically, spiritually, and emotionally. It takes time. I have to keep reminding myself this and allowing to show myself grace when I fall is HUGE for me. I'm an all or nothing mindset kinda girl and I'm slowly changing that to doing the best I can for that day. Not to focus on the HUGE goal set before me, but just the small ones for that week or even day. I would also suggest getting Julia Rene's journal book called, "Know Your Power" (you can get it on Amazon and it's AMAZING and so helpful with this)!

So let's make this day, week, and month be the best that we can make it to be on our journey! Let me know and comment how you are doing - how I can encourage you - what you want to see more of on this blog - let me know you were here! :)

Sunday, October 22, 2023

Middle of October ... UPDATE

 So here we are towards the end of October and some GREAT things are happening!

I joined a challenge through a "company" called Built Different. They are amazing! I HIGHLY suggest that you check them out if you are looking for a coach or support. I would also recommend Kaitlyn Raymond as another resource... it all depends on what you are looking for and your goals.

Well, through this challenge for the past 6 weeks, I started off strong, but then.... like always, started pooping out and didn't work out the way I wanted to, always stuck to plan, and the mindset STUNK!

Well, there was a mini-challenge within this challenge - and I was 1 of 3 that won a $50 gift card AND an entry to the next challenge for the winter!!! WHAT!?!?! This is what I needed to really put forth my best effort to get on this journey and finally lose weight and KEEP IT OFF!  With this, I've been binge watching episodes of THE BIGGEST LOSER and how the contestants came on to the show - watching how much weight they were dropping weekly is amazing! However, I do understand that they have access to workout 24/7 and someone either teaching them how to cook or cooking for them. The nutrition part, I THINK I have a good handle on it - it's just being consistent with the workout portion. I do have access to a gym 24/7, but don't have the time to workout 3-4x a day either like the contestants. 

So, with that - what's my balance in life? What is my plan or schedule to get it in? The best time for me to get it in is in the early mornings - HOWEVER, I LOVE my sleep and it's hard to get up in the morning. In the evenings, I'm tired from the day and want to spend time with my boy. Sooooo... looks like I go to bed early to get up early to get to the gym...like 4am early...so that means waking up at 3:30AM to get dressed and at gym by 4. Gives me 2 hours to workout - 1 hour lift, 1 hour cardio. By doing this, I know that it will help melt this fat off my body AND keeping up my nutrition. My mindset will always be a work in progress - always a daily check. 

I can't wait to be able to post my before's and after's... of course, I'll still post my in between's... LOL

Saturday, September 16, 2023

Almost October??? REALLY????

 I can't believe that it's ALMOST OCTOBER ALREADY and I haven't posted since June??? What the what???!!!

Well, let's just say that there has been a lot happening since I last time I posted! This summer was difficult mentally, where I wanted to give up COMPLETELY on myself and not look back. Family issues (Daddy has Alzheimer's and declining pretty quickly and Mama is physically slowing down) to being a single Mama of a 13 yr old boy - it's been mentally/emotionally taxing! But I KNOW that I'm not the only one in this universe that has multiple things going on at the same time and even more difficult circumstances than I do. Point is - I CANNOT GIVE UP ON MYSELF!!

I've had to  A LOT of soul searching to come up with the resolve that I need to do this for my health - not to just compete in bodybuilding - but just be healthy and be around for my son. The stage will be there and I just need to focus on being the BEST version of myself at all times. 


Monday, June 12, 2023

June 2023

 SOOOO much has happened within the last few weeks that I need to write it all down!

I have really dealt with a COMPLETE mindset shift within the past couple of weeks! I was struggling with how I was feeling about myself and how my weight loss journey was going. I get so discouraged and disgusted with myself when I don't see the scale move down. Instead, it was GOING UP!!!  How frustrating is that?!?!?!?!  But then I had to sit with myself to really see what I was doing to cause this.

I had to be honest with myself and know that I was NOT eating on my food plan or even working out consistently. My main issue is... CONSISTENCY!  This is what I had to realize and come to terms with.

I then listened to a pod cast called "Know Your Power" by Julia Rene (an IFBB Wellness Pro) and it really rang true for me and really hit me hard.  There were 6 things that she was saying in order to be successful in weight loss journey and bodybuilding. They were:

1. What is your WHY? WHY am I on this journey and keep me going when I don't FEEL like it or want to continue. 

2. What is my current relationship with FOOD? Fix bad habits RIGHT NOW!

3. How is my relationship with myself and my BODY currently?

4. Do you have a good support system?

5. Are you ready to be isolated or secluded? (This pertains more to being in prep for bodybuilding).

6. Do I BELIEVE in myself? Believe that I CAN DO THIS?

When I sat with myself and really marinated on these questions, it was very eye opening for me.  With questions 2 & 3... what is my relationship with food? I have to say that I AM AN EMOTIONAL EATER. I turn to it when bored, sad, angry, depressed, happy, etc. For what is my relationship with myself... WHOA!! I had to look at myself in the mirror and realize that I LOATHE my body. I HATE the way I feel in my own skin.  No one should feel that way about themselves. If my bestie said that about herself, what would I be telling her? I would be telling her to STOP talking to herself that way and bring out ALL the positive! Why do I not talk to myself that way? Combat the negative thoughts and self-talk? Why am I getting in my own way? Self-sabotage. 

So, I'm working on telling myself 3 positive affirmations to myself in the mirror daily. I can start seeing small changes - I know that this will be taking some time and slowly, but surely will be how I see myself  on a consistent basis. 

What are your answers to the questions? Really sit and be honest with yourself...

Wednesday, February 1, 2023

Feburary 1, 2023!!!

Is it me or is the year already flying by?!?!

I CANNOT believe it's Feb. 1st already and I didn't even blog in January! Oh my goodness! I'm slacking in a big way!

Well, so much has happened since I last blogged... 

*I left the VA Medical Center 12/2/2022 and started a job at Danville Independent Schools - same schedule as my son, so both of us a MUCH HAPPIER! No more commuting/long drive hours, wear and tear on the car AND me, able to be Mama to my boy, and doing what I actually love - helping students learn and be successful!

*I already received a "promotion" at work - I started off in the cafeteria in Dec and at the end of January, was moved into the classroom as an Instructional Aide! 

*The District Superindendent asked if I would be interested in the Equity Coordinator/Officer position that is going to be opening up in May/June time frame. I would FINALLY be able to get off of SSDI, possibly buy a house, get out of debt, and breathe financially! What a great opportunity! I'll keep you posted on that position.

*I started with a new coach! In my first week with her, I've lost 6.4 lbs and 2 1/2"! Now I realize that a lot of that weight and inches are water, but it's off my body! My mindset is focused, I've been consistent with my workouts, staying on my plan, and I feel so much more happier! I feel at peace and not under so much pressure. I'm back to enjoying the process and can really see me doing my first body building show w/in a couple of years vs 4-5 yrs from now. HOW EXCITING IS THAT???!!! I just need to stay focused and get after it, each and every workout and meal.  I read that a gal started her journey and for 2-3 years was disciplined and focused that she went from her very 1st show to PRO CARD in 17 DAYS!!!! That's what I want to do! I'm sure that it won't be that quickly, but I want to set goals for myself to possibly meet or beat that! 

*I am finally feeling more like myself than I have in a VERY long time! It feels good to get back to being my true self - not in a major funk/depression.

WE CAN DO THIS TOGETHER!!! Leave a comment below to let me know you were here! I'd love to hear from you and see how I can encourage you on whatever journey you are on! :)