Thursday, March 3, 2022

March Already??

 Well, it looks like I'm only writing and posting once a month it seems... 


I have been doing my weight loss journey on my own for a couple of months now and for the most part maintained. I only gained a little, but that's not the direction I want to go in.  I had to decide what was really important - pay off a credit card OR my health. Of course I chose my health, so I decided that I would hire my coach back...and soooo very glad I did.

Yesterday was my 1st check-in's since probably Nov/Dec timeframe, so I'm looking forward to my meal plans and getting back on track!

Since I last wrote, I got a job at the VA Hospital in Lexington, KY, so there is a move that is happening next weekend. SHOOO WHEEE!!! I'm excited for the move, but nervous at the same time. Lincoln starts a new school, I start a new job, and we both have to adjust to a new routine. I will be getting up at about 3:30am to be able to workout and get ready for work. I will have about an hour commute time each way, so I need to get my workouts in when it's best - and that happens to be in the early morning. We gotta do what we gotta do, right?

How is your health journey going? How can I encourage you? Leave a comment below and let me know how you are doing!

If you would like to follow along on my journey to stage, please consider following me at:

IG: sassy_classy_fat2fitness

YouTube (and subscribe/like):

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