Tuesday, May 2, 2017

More on Healthy and FREE....

I am really enjoying the book Healthy and Free by Beni Johnson.... 

In my previous post, I shared some key points from Chapter 1... here are some excerpts from Chapter 2...

  • NEEDING TO LOVE OURSELVES - Loving God must be something that every fiber of our being can feel. The second commandment (note that is is not the second "suggestion") is to love your neighbor as you love yourself. It all starts in our minds.
  • GIVING YOURSELF PERMISSION - Ask yourself these questions: Do I like myself? Do I love myself? If your answer is no, then it is time to give yourself permission to fall in love with yourself. Your entire being is dependent on you to love your mind, body, and spirit. You are worthy of being loved!! Become like a child and allow yourself to turn those negative thoughts into beautiful words. "Toxic thoughts are thoughts that trigger negative and anxious emotions, which produce biochemicals, that cause the body stress. They are stored in your mind as well as in the cells in your body."
  • HOW YOUR MIND AFFECTS YOUR HEALTH - In order to lose weight you have to overcome the lies that you believe about yourself. Ask yourself THESE questions: Do I have thoughts that are keeping me from my goals? Are there lies that I believe that are keeping me from a healthy and free life? Have I talked myself into believing that I can't reach my goals? First, get out a piece of paper and begin to ask the Holy Spirit to reveal to you any lies that you have been believing. Next, ask God to show you the truth about yourself. If you want to change the direction you are heading and think brand-new, healthy thoughts about yourself, then join me in repenting. Begin anew by starting to make positive declarations over your life.
  • DECLARATIONS - Once you start on the journey to loving yourself, giving yourself permission to change, and doing an "about face", then you can being to start making declarations over your life. What do you want in your life? Happiness? Healthy relationships? you can actually decide to declare those things into existence with holy and godly declarations. Remember that God wants to partner with you too. He is rooting for you. He is on your side!
  • LAUGHTER - Laughter is the best medicine. I love how God uses laughter to bring restoration and peace to our bodies and minds. When you pay attention to your soul and choose to take steps toward it's healing, you will find it will be a turning point, not only for your mind, but your body as well. "Beloved, I pray that you may prosper in all things and be in health, just as your soul prospers" (3 John 1:2).
AMAZING READ - I suggest you pick up a copy today!

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