Thursday, July 2, 2020

Hard couple of days....

Has anyone ever had a patch of days where it seems like the day NEVER ends? I know I have - considering I'm just finishing my 3 day streak here!

I sit here and as I write this, I mentally preparing myself to workout. It was supposed to be at 9am this morning, but due to unforeseen circumstances, I was not able to be home or have my workout "gear" with me. I also have needed to meal prep these past 2-3 days. I've been making as good of choices with nutrition as I can, but there are the "slip-ups" in there... I'm trying not to be mad at myself for making those choices, as I could've said no to myself on some items. But when the urge/feeling/neurotic "THING" that is happening inside each of us during stressful times, OVERRIDES our common senseabilities, it's a hard thing to overcome.

I just know that I WILL get up, get my movement/lifting on, then meal prep for the next 4-5 days... I want/need to be back on plan with my very next meal. I constantly have to think of my goals and what I'm trying to accomplish to get through the stressful eating times.

What do you do to overcome these moments? How do you handle your stress/emotional/out of control eating habits? What do we tell ourselves before/during/after the eating?

We should be loving ourselves - not beating ourselves up over it. Before, TRY to have a game plan - and I'M PREACHING TO MYSELF AS WELL when I say that! During, if it comes across as to "why are you doing this?", then put the food down, stop, and give yourself ONE word that will trigger your why you are getting your health back... mine is either GOALS or BIKINI. You chose what will trigger it for you. Then, you get back on plan THE VERY NEXT MEAL...

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